

2016-06-09    13'00''

主播: 刘晶晶

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小主播:刘晶晶(Julia LIu)五年级 A Sick Day for Amos McGee阿莫的生病日 作者: by PhilipC. Stead, ErinStead 译者: 阿甲 出版社: 二十一世纪出版社 Publisher:RoaringBrook Press 《麦克米伦世纪大奖绘本:阿莫的生病日》内容简介:凯迪克金奖作品《阿莫的生病日》以舒缓的节奏,为生活在繁忙大都市里的人们,讲述了一则打动我们日渐冷漠心弦的小故事。阿莫是一位和善的动物园管理员,过着规律平淡而又充实快乐的日子。每天,他都要挤出时间去看望几位好朋友:陪大象下棋、和乌龟赛跑、跟企鹅坐坐、给爱流鼻涕的犀牛递手绢,并且给猫头鹰讲故事。 可是有一天,他醒来时又流鼻涕又打喷嚏,没能正常去动物园,却在家里接待了几位意想不到的客人…… Summary: A Sick Day for Amos McGee is about an old man who works at a zoo. Amos McGeeenjoys waking up very early, making breakfast, and going to work every day.While at work, Amos plays chess with the elephant, runs races with the tortoise, sits with the penguin, wipes the rhinoceros’ nose, and read stories to the owl. One day, Amos wakes up and he does not feel good. The animals miss Amos, so they go and visit him at home. Amos and the animals do all of the irusual activities at Amos’ house. Amos begins to feel much better, just in go to bed and wake up the next morning for work. 本音频属作者原创,版权归“晶晶读中英文故事”所有。未经授权,严禁转载】 晶晶读中英文故事微信号 ☞jingjingdugushi 由"子女心父母情”教育群创办的中国第一家儿童中英文双语听故事和外国教育资讯传播平台,地道的中英文发音,诚邀名家原创教育美文,及时的教育信息,让您随时随地享受学习的乐趣。 学习是一种智慧,分享是一种美德。感谢订阅“晶晶读中英文故事”。