Peace Sare Teasdale Peace flows into me As the tide to the pool by the shore; It is mine forevermore, It ebbs not back like the sea. I am the pool of blue That worships the vivid sky; My hopes were heaven-high, They are all fulfilled in you. I am the pool of gold When sunset burns and dies-- You are my deepening skies, Give me your stars to hold. 安宁 莎拉·蒂斯黛尔 安宁注入我的身躯 如海水涌进岸边小池, 从此,安宁永远停驻 不像潮水依时退去。 我成了湛蓝池水一泓, 向往着明媚的碧空; 尽管心愿高抵苍穹, 是你圆了我所有的梦。 我是金灿灿的池水 随落日焚烧引退-- 你是夜空的深邃, 撒下繁星把我点缀。
上一期: 青春