

2019-09-14    02'37''

主播: 宇宙超音神

1048 3

Old Town Road (Remix) -(精选品质音乐) Billy Ray Cyrus / Lil Nas X 前往那座老城的路上 (Remix) - 比利·雷·赛勒斯 / 利尔·纳斯·X Yeah I'm gonna take my horse to the old town road 我正在前往那座老城的路上 I'm gonna ride 'til I can't no more 我会一直驰骋 直到精疲力尽 I'm gonna take my horse to the old town road 我会一直驰骋 直到精疲力尽 I'm gonna ride 'til I can't no more 我会一直驰骋 直到精疲力尽 Kio Kio I got the horses in the back 我身后有很多马匹跟随 Horse tack is attached 把马鞍装上 Hat is matte black 帽子是黑色哑光的 Got the boots that's black to match 我买了双黑色靴子搭配 Riding on a horse ha 骑在马上 You can whip your Porsche 你可以开上你的保时捷 I been in the valley 我一直在山谷驰骋 You aingt been up off that porch now 你却在走廊 Can't nobody tell me nothing 谁都别对我指手画脚 You can't tell me nothing 你不能对我指手画脚 Can't nobody tell me nothing 谁都别对我指手画脚 You can't tell me nothing 你不能对我指手画脚 Riding on a tractor 我开着拖拉机 Lean all in my bladder 靠在车厢上 Cheated on my baby 我欺骗了我的宝贝 You can go and ask her 你可以去问她 My life is a movie 我的生活就像一场电影 Bull riding and boobies 骑马和吃奶 Cowboy hat from Gucci 戴着一顶古驰的牛仔帽 Wrangler on my booty 我的战利品引得众人嫉妒 Can't nobody tell me nothing 谁都别对我指手画脚 You can't tell me nothing 你不能对我指手画脚 Can't nobody tell me nothing 谁都别对我指手画脚 You can't tell me nothing 你不能对我指手画脚 Yeah I'm gonna take my horse to the old town road 我会一直驰骋 直到精疲力尽 I'm gonna ride 'til I can't no more 我会一直驰骋 直到精疲力尽 I'm gonna take my horse to the old town road 我会一直驰骋 直到精疲力尽 I'm gonna ride 'til I can't no more 我会一直驰骋 直到精疲力尽 Hat down cross town living like a rockstar 把帽檐压低 穿越小镇 像个摇滚巨星 Spent a lot of money on my brand new guitar 花重金买一把全新的吉他 Baby's got a habit diamond rings and Fendi sports bras 为我的宝贝买钻石戒指 芬迪内衣 Riding down Rodeo in my Maserati sports car 开着我的玛莎拉蒂 一路飞驰 Got no stress I've been through all that 没有丝毫压力 我都经历过了 I'm like a Marlboro Man so I kick on back 我就像个万宝路人 所以我频频回头 Wish I could roll on back to that old town road 希望我能回到那条前往那座老城的路上 I wanna ride 'til I can't no more 我会一直驰骋 直到精疲力尽 Yeah I'm gonna take my horse to the old town road 我会一直驰骋 直到精疲力尽 I'm gonna ride 'til I can't no more 我会一直驰骋 直到精疲力尽 I'm gonna take my horse to the old town road 我会一直驰骋 直到精疲力尽 I'm gonna ride 'til I can't no more 我会一直驰骋 直到精疲力尽
上一期: Natural
下一期: Old_Town_Road