EMF20191022 惊艳的橙 Lesson B

EMF20191022 惊艳的橙 Lesson B

2019-10-22    00'44''

主播: Yue🎙🔛

120 0

SUV谁不喜欢?除了空间超级⼤以及超级结实之外,SUV有着⼀⼤推令⼈赞叹的特点,可以完全改变你的⾃驾体验,进⼊全新的境界。 SUVs - who doesn’t love them? Besides being super spacious and sturdy, SUVs pack a whole lot of amazing features that can transform your road trip and take it to the next level.   想说流利、地道以及超有⼒量的英语吗?嗯,谁不想?好消息来了,⼩⻨⽼师的全新课程可以⼤⼤提升成功的可能性,让你掌握⼀直以来都想要拥有的英语⼝语技能。 Want to speak fluent, native and incredibly powerful English? Well, who wouldn’t? The good news is, Michael’s new course can increase your chance of mastering the English speaking skills you’ve always wanted.   总体来看,英语⻨克⻛超棒的学习社区可以帮助学员们建⽴激情,这是⼀种核⼼的驱动⼒,可以让⾏动具有持续性。因此可以让⼤家的英语学习变得更有乐趣。 For the most part, EMF’s amazing learning community helps the students build up their passion, an essential motivation that provides consistency to the action thus making English learning more interesting and fun.