【英语简明新闻】Headline News 2015 February 23

【英语简明新闻】Headline News 2015 February 23

2015-02-23    04'46''

主播: EZFM齐智

143 22

Iran to quit nuclear talks if pressures mount: negotiator France deploys aircraft carrier to aid fight against IS Islamic State militants claim attacks on Iranian ambassador&`&s residence in Libya Death toll in Bangladesh ferry accident rises to 65 All 486 trapped miners rescued in S. Africa Ukrainian president comments on the fatal blast at march Two Chinese trainees attacked in Japan, 1 dead, 1 injured Cold front to hit north China 欢迎回复告诉我们您的看法 更多资讯请关注 微信公众账号 the Beijing Hour 新浪微博 @Beijing Hour 腾讯微博 @Beijing Hour 荔枝电台 FM41242,FM65546 想要听音频看文稿 一定要戳“阅读原文”哦!