——Every age[每个时代]

——Every age[每个时代]

2016-12-05    03'11''

主播: 青梅果子酒

217 11

Every Age - José González Every age has its turn 每个年纪都有自己的轮回 Every branch of the tree has to learn 每条树枝需要自己学习 Learn to grow find its way 学会找到自己的路 Make the best of this short-lived stay 使短暂的生命得以延续 Take this seed take this spade 带着种子 带着铁锨 Take this dream of a better day 带着对更好未来的期许 Take your time build a home 慢慢建造一个房子 Build a place where we all can belong 建造一个属于我们自己的地方 Some things change some remain 有些事改变了他们的轨迹 Some will pass us unnoticed by 有些悄无身息的从我们身边经过 What to focus on to improve upon 我们关注的是需要提高的 In the face of our ancient tribes 面对我们古老的部落 Feels so clear feels so obvious 觉得是如此的清晰 如此的明确 To each one on their own 于我们独立的个人 But we are here together 但我们在这里 在一起 Reaping what time and what we have sown 收割着我们的时间与我们曾经的播种 We don't choose where we're born 我们选择不了我们的出身 We don't choose in what pocket or form 我们选择不了 我们的财富或者身材 But we can learn to know 但我们可以学着认识 Ourselves on this globe in the void 在这个空虚的星球上的我们自己 Take this mind take this pen 带着这种思想 带上笔 Take this dream of a better land 带着寻求一个更好土地的梦想 Take your time build a home 慢慢建造一个房子 Build a place where we all can belong 建造一个属于自己的地方