Take Action Today_65C

Take Action Today_65C

2014-12-09    01'05''

主播: 布莱恩教育

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Take Action Today Are you waiting for things to get better before you move ahead? If you’re serious about success, you need to start taking action today. If you’re waiting for things to be perfect, you’ll wait forever because nothing will get done. It’s easy to think up excuses for not taking action. “If only I had more hours in the day. If only I could speak better English. If only I could pass the exam.” But excuses won’t bring you anything of value. You’ve got to change your “if only” into “I will”. “I will make better use of my time. I will work on improving my English. I will succeed this time.” Take a chance. Have faith in yourself. Your circumstances will improve when you make the effort to improve them. Start where you are right now. Whatever you desire, you have everything it takes to achieve it. Stop wishing. Use your time, your energy, your thoughts and efforts to make it happen! You’ll be glad you did! 【参考译文】 你在等待前面的道路平坦了再迈步吗?如果你真的想成功,今天就要采取行动。如果你袖手旁观等待一切完备,那你将永远等下去,因为什么都不会发生。编造种种借口不采取行动是很容易的。“要是我每天能有更多的时间该多好啊。要是我能说流利的英语该多好啊。要是我能通过考试该多好啊。”但这些借口都是毫无价值的。你必须把“要是”变成“我要”。“我要更好的利用时间。我要努力提高我的英语。这次我要成功。”把握机会。相信自己。当你努力改善你的境况时,它们就会改善。就把此时此刻当做起点。无论你想要什么,你都有实现它的能力。别再空想了。用你的时间、精力、思想和努力去实现梦想!你将会为你所做的一切而高兴。
上一期: Dream It Possible
下一期: Today My Life Begins