Week08 Day01 -- George

Week08 Day01 -- George

2017-05-07    04'51''

主播: 布莱恩教育

3969 96

第八周第一天 1、How many more times can I say it? 我还得再说几次? 2、Didn’t we get past the tough talk? 我们不用继续顶嘴了吧? 3、Are you really gonna let that happen? 你真的要坐视不管吗? 4、Do you want me to pick something up? 需要我帮你买点东西吗? 5、I want you to give him your full cooperation. 我希望你们能完全配合他。 6、If you need anything else, just let me know. 有其他需要,尽管叫我。