

2018-05-10    07'13''

主播: 布莱恩教育

2944 78

Week09 Day04 A: Susan, I am inviting you and Frank to our house warming party this weekend. B: A house warming party? A: Yes, Deborah and I are going to buy a new home in Woodlawn. B: Congratulations! That’s wonderful. I bet both of you are quite happy. A: Well, we have always dreamed of owning our own home, but real estate in this area is extremely expensive. B: I understand. That’s why Christopher and I want to find a place in a small town, far from the city. A: Susan,我邀请你和Frank这个周末来参加我们家的乔迁之喜聚会。 B: 乔迁之喜聚会? A: 是啊,Deborah和我打算在伍德劳恩买个新房子。 B: 恭喜你们!那太好了。我猜你们两个肯定都很高兴。 A: 是啊,我们一直都梦想着有自己的房子,但是这个地区的房产实在太贵了。 B: 我能理解。那就是为什么Christopher和我想在一个远离城市的小镇上买个房子。 Week09 Day05 1. Forgive me for my carelessness. 请原谅我的草率。 2. Have you considered changing your job? 你有没有考虑过换工作? 3. How are you getting along with your roommate? 你跟你的室友相处得怎么样? 4. I doubt that he will leave. 我怀疑他会离开。 5. I can’t stand her arrogance. 我受不了她的傲慢。 6. I cannot help worrying about my job interview. 我忍不住担心我的工作面试。 ★用句型造出更多句子,给自己的交流一个开始!