[电影]Blue Jasmine 蓝色茉莉(2013)

[电影]Blue Jasmine 蓝色茉莉(2013)

2016-08-17    98'26''

主播: Rain小豪老师

426 13

[Genre] Drama [Director] Woody Allen [Writer] Woody Allen [Stars] Cate Blanchett, Alec Baldwin, Peter Sarsgaard [Storyline] Jasmine French used to be on the top of the heap as a New York socialite, but now is returning to her estranged sister in San Francisco utterly ruined. As Jasmine struggles with her haunting memories of a privileged past bearing dark realities she ignored, she tries to recover in her present. Unfortunately, it all proves a losing battle as Jasmine&`&s narcissistic hangups and their consequences begin to overwhelm her. In doing so, her old pretensions and new deceits begin to foul up everyone&`&s lives, especially her own. - Written by Kenneth Chisholm (kchishol@rogers.com) The former socialite Jasmine travels from New York to San Francisco to stay in the simple house of her sister Ginger that lives with her two sons. Jasmine was married with the successful businessman Hal who fell in disgrace for being considered a crook and committed suicide in prison. Jasmine is completely broken and mentally unstable with recollection from her previous social life and uses anti-depressive along the day. Jasmine does not approve of Ginger&`&s boyfriend Chili that she considers a loser, the same feeling she had with Ginger&`&s ex-husband Augie. Jasmine has no profession to work and support herself and she accepts the position of receptionist in a dentist&`&s clinic. When Jasmine is invited to a party, she asks Ginger to go with her. Ginger meets the sound engineer Al that she believes is a better catch than Chili. Meanwhile the gold-digger Jasmine meets the diplomat Dwight and she believes she will advance in her social position. - Written by Claudio Carvalho, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil Jasmine from New York who lives in a fashionable society moves to San Francisco to live with her sister after she is completely broke and having issues of nervous breakdown. Jasmine is struggling with her past memories but she wants to put aside all those haunted memories and wants to start a new life just from the scratch but in doing so she chooses the path of deceit and fouls up everyone&`&s lives. - Written by someonesmart21 When she was younger, Jasmine, who changed her name from Jeanette, dropped out of college to marry Hal, a single father to infant Danny. Because of Hal&`&s financial standing from his business ventures, Jasmine had never had to work. They broke up when Hal went to prison for his white collar crimes, about which Jasmine was somewhat oblivious as it did not pertain to her at-the-moment happiness. Those crimes resulted in them losing all their money. The loss of money ended up being only one of the issues in the marriage. Hal was able to commit suicide in prison, while Jasmine, unable to cope with her new penniless lot in life, had a nervous breakdown, her emotional instability manifesting itself in heavy drinking and she often talking to herself about the happier times without she knowing she is doing so. While Jasmine and Hal were living the high life in Manhattan, Jasmine had no time for her San Francisco residing working class sister Ginger - both Jeanette and Ginger having been adopted into their family - and Ginger&`&s handyman/mover husband, Augie, who aspired to owning his own contracting business. Ginger and Augie have also since split largely due to money issues, they having invested $200,000 in what they now know was one of Hal&`&s fraudulent ventures. Following her hospitalization, Jasmine makes the decision to move in with Ginger and her two adolescent children in San Francisco until she gets back on her feet, however long that may take. A question is if Jasmine can mesh her lack of skills with her grand visions for herself while maintaining some sense of sanity. Another question is what effect Jasmine being back in her life will have on Ginger, especially regarding Ginger&`&s relationship with her current boyfriend Chili, a mechanic who wants to marry her, but who Jasmine sees as just the latest in Ginger&`&s choice of loser boyfriends. - Written by Huggo A New York socialite, deeply troubled and in denial, arrives in San Francisco to impose upon her sister. She looks a million, but isn&`&t bringing money, peace, or love... - Written by generaio 纽约的名媛茉莉和她富商丈夫之间的婚姻亮起了红灯,眼见爱情面和经济面都濒临重大危机,茉莉决定搬到旧金山,住进妹妹金洁的一般公寓,重新开始过一个和以前大大不同的生活。   然而,其实也非恋爱高手的茉莉老爱帮金洁的感情出主意,导致一团乱。就在此时,茉莉邂逅了一名英俊的外交官,并爱上了他。只不过这个男人正处在自己的“金融危机”之中,没有办法从欠债中脱身。在决定是不是要爱这个男人之前,这个女人先要在旧金山重新认识自己,并且在心理上接受旧金山这个城市。