[电影]50 First Dates 初恋50次 (2004)

[电影]50 First Dates 初恋50次 (2004)

2016-08-21    99'03''

主播: Rain小豪老师

143 8

[Genre] Comedy, Romance [Director] Peter Segal [Writer] George Wing [Stars] Adam Sandler, Drew Barrymore, Rob Schneider [Plot Summary] Henry Roth lives in a Hawaiian paradise with the company of endless women with no strings attached. This is until he meets Lucy Whitmore. Both Henry and Lucy enjoy the company of each other and feel the start of a serious relationship occurring. Approaching Lucy the next day, Henry is confused when Lucy fails to recognize him. This is the moment Henry discovers that Lucy actually suffers from short term memory loss and can't remember each individual day. Henry won't let this stop him and is prepared to make her fall in love with him all over again, each and every day. - Written by FilmFanUk Henry Roth is a veterinarian living in Hawaii who enjoys the company of vacationing women. He leaves the playboy life behind after he falls for Lucy, who suffers from short-term memory loss. Since she can never remember meeting him, Henry has to romance Lucy every single day and hope that she falls for him. - Written by IMDb Editors Henry Roth is a man afraid of commitment up until he meets the beautiful Lucy. They hit it off and Henry think he's finally found the girl of his dreams, until he discovers she has short-term memory loss and forgets him the very next day. - Written by Tomius J. Barnard 如果你是亨利·罗斯(亚当·桑德勒饰),你是会为终于遇到自己的真命公主而高兴,还是会为不得不付出超过别人50倍的努力而抓狂?   亨利是夏威夷水族馆的一名兽医,也是一位快乐的单身汉。一次偶然的机会,在一个小饭馆中,他遇到了让自己怦然心动的女孩露西(德鲁·巴里摩尔饰)。经过交谈,一对年轻男女迅速迸出热情的火花。   整夜春光之后,亨利满怀深情地对着刚睁开睡眼的露西送上早安问候,谁知道回报他的却是惊恐的尖叫和不顾一切的殴打。任凭亨利如何解释,女孩也不肯相信自己爱上过这个男孩,她愤然冲出了大门。   经过多方打听,亨利终于了解到,露西因为一次车祸而患上了一种极为罕见的短期记忆丧失症。当第二天太阳升起的时候,她就会把前一天的事情全都忘光。   坠入情网的亨利无法放弃自己心爱的女孩,为了自己,也为了向女孩的父亲证明自己对她的爱,亨利在朋友乌拉(罗伯·施纳德饰)的帮助下,开始了既疯狂又令人感动的追求计划——务求在每天太阳升起,每一个新的一天来临之时,让露西再一次爱上他。真诚的爱情最终是否可以战胜病魔,让有情人人终成眷属呢?让我们在这个情人节把答案揭晓。