[电影]Fight Club 搏击俱乐部 (1999)

[电影]Fight Club 搏击俱乐部 (1999)

2016-09-05    139'08''

主播: Rain小豪老师

182 14

[Genre] Drama [Director] David Fincher [Writers] Chuck Palahniuk (novel), Jim Uhls (screenplay) [Stars] Brad Pitt, Edward Norton, Meat Loaf [Storyline] A ticking-time-bomb insomniac and a slippery soap salesman channel primal male aggression into a shocking new form of therapy. Their concept catches on, with underground "fight clubs" forming in every town, until an eccentric gets in the way and ignites an out-of-control spiral toward oblivion. - Written by Anonymous A nameless first person narrator (Edward Norton) attends support groups in attempt to subdue his emotional state and relieve his insomniac state. When he meets Marla (Helena Bonham Carter), another fake attendee of support groups, his life seems to become a little more bearable. However when he associates himself with Tyler (Brad Pitt) he is dragged into an underground fight club and soap making scheme. Together the two men spiral out of control and engage in competitive rivalry for love and power. When the narrator is exposed to the hidden agenda of Tyler's fight club, he must accept the awful truth that Tyler may not be who he says he is. - Written by Rhiannon A young man leads a pretty humdrum life assessing car crashes to determine if his automobile company should issue recalls to fix problems. He also suffers from insomnia and takes to attending group therapy sessions for people who have survived various diseases. There he meets Marla who like him attends these sessions though she is neither a victim nor a survivor. His life changes when he meets Tyler Durden on a flight home. Tyler seems to be everything that he's not and together they create a men-only group for bare knuckle fighting. It soon becomes all the rage with fight clubs springing up across the country and the group itself becoming an anti-capitalist domestic terrorist organization. Tyler and Maria develop a relationship leaving him often on the outside of what is going on. He soon finds that the group is out of control and after a major self-revelation decides there is only one way out. - Written by garykmcd An insomniac unnamed narrator needs a fantasy to escape from his deadly boring life, he tries joining a cancer support group however the only thing they do in the group is cry into each others chest, but then he is on a plane on his way back from what a viewer would assume is a business trip our unnamed narrator encounters Tyler Durden, a soap selling badass who happens to run a secret fight club in the diner parking lot with his friend who follows 8 simple rules set out by Tyler, our unnamed narrator of course is taken into this scheme ran by Tyler... An insomniac man who is an ordinary worker of a huge company, an IKEA buyer and classic consumer of capitalist system is very bored of his ordinary and routine life and meets with a person that is totally who he wants to be. And after that his life changes, with his new friend he creates a fight club that is gonna evolve very big movement all over country that even he can't imagine. - Written by uyanneo A young urban professional who works for a major car manufacturer can't sleep. Although he doesn't have any of the associated afflictions, he stumbles across support groups as a means to let out whatever emotions he is feeling, which in turn allows him to sleep. But the use of these support groups is ruined when he meets a young woman named Marla Singer, who is also going to all these support group meetings. Because he knows she too is not afflicted with any of the maladies for which the groups exist, her presence has lessened the impact of the stories he hears. His life changes when he meets a soap manufacturer named Tyler Durden, who in many ways is the antithesis of the insomniac. Due to unusual circumstances with his own condo, the insomniac moves in with Tyler, who lives in a large dilapidated house in an otherwise abandoned part of town. After a bit of spontaneous roughhousing with Tyler in a bar parking lot, the insomniac finds it becomes a ritual between the two of them, which helps him cope with the other more difficult aspects of his life. The fights also attract a following, others who not only want to watch but join in. Understanding that there are other men like them, the insomniac and Tyler begin a secret fight club. As the fight club's popularity grows, so does its scope in all aspects. Marla becomes a circle not specifically of the fight clubs but of Tyler and the insomniac's collectives lives. As the nature of the fight clubs becomes out of control in the insomniac's view, the insomniac's life, in association, is one where he no longer understands what is happening around him, or how he can get out of it without harming himself. - Written by Huggo An insomniac office worker, looking for a way to change his life, crosses paths with a devil-may-care soap maker, forming an underground fight club that evolves into something much, much more. - Written by jrofficial and Joao Bravo 杰克(爱德华诺顿饰演)是一个充满中年危机意识的人,他非常憎恨自己的生活及一切,再加上他患有严重的失眠症,因一次参加睾丸癌治疗团体后不再失眠,于是对参加各种疾病治疗团体上了瘾,只为了能接触人群。   在某一个睾丸癌治疗团体的聚会上,杰克遇上了一个跟他同样上瘾的女烟枪玛拉(海伦娜宝汉卡特饰演),她跟杰克一样什么病也没有,但杰克对她的存在却极为不安,于是俩人达成了分开参加活动的协议。。在莫名激素的影响下,杰克和玛拉一起逃离了晚会,两人的情愫因而滋生……。   在一次旅途中,杰克遇到了卖肥皂的商人泰勒(布莱德皮特饰演),回家时发现公寓离奇地被炸毁,于是他给泰勒打电话并住进了他家,两人因缘际会地成了好友,为了找寻刺激,开始创建了“搏击俱乐部”:一个让彼此不戴护具而互殴的聚会,在那里他们可以把一切不快的情绪宣泄,籍着自由搏击获得片刻的快感。   某夜,泰勒与玛拉发生了关系,这让杰克非常忌妒。同时“搏击俱乐部”也成了全国性的地下大组织,所有成员都将泰勒视为教父。为了辨识起见,成员还都剃了光头。随着“搏击俱乐部”规模与人数的不断扩大,泰勒开始煽动会员对社会进行破坏,杰克对于“搏击俱乐部”的现况及泰勒的疯狂模样越来越无法忍受,所以他决定疏远泰勒。但是,此时的“搏击乐部”成员却发起全国性的暴动,他们炸毁了不少建筑物……杰克在阻止他时却震惊地发现:“泰勒”与他是同一个人,于是他拼命地不让自己制造的破坏计划实施……   不可否认的是,《搏击俱乐部》的确是一部暴力的电影。情节表现得十分的残暴血腥,当然,所有这些血腥的镜头都是为了揭示影片的主旨:人天性残忍,而每日的辛劳使人变得麻木不仁,充满失落、挫折、绝望、精神空虚,长期的压抑引发狂最原始、最野蛮的本性,结果产生难料的后果。搏击俱乐部的成员们都是生活在现代社会的边缘,这个社会使人成为失掉人性和良知的牺牲品。他们已经变成了机器上的零件,他们恢复个性观念的唯一方法就是返回到最原始、最野蛮的痛苦和暴力的动物本能中。   “搏击俱乐部的法则之一,不能谈论搏击俱乐部;搏击俱乐部的法则之二,不能谈论搏击俱乐部。”布拉德.彼特的原则取消了我们的话语权利,他想要传递的是一种不可言传也不必言传的精神意志,这种意志唯有通过在灵与肉的搏击中的自我毁灭才能承传下去.