【悦 | 绘本故事】Little blue and little yellow 小蓝和小黄

【悦 | 绘本故事】Little blue and little yellow 小蓝和小黄

2018-03-29    10'15''

主播: 西西糖果🍬屋

595 7

亲爱的小伙伴们,今天我们来读这个学期的第二本绘本故事,这本故事的名字叫做:《Little blue and little yellow》(小蓝和小黄),是绘本大师李欧.李奥尼的处女作和代表作。这是一个独特而具有想像力的故事,一部世人公认的抽象派作品。 “This is little blue.”故事就从这么一个用手撕出来的蓝色色块开始了。小蓝和小黄是一对好朋友,一起游戏,一起上课。一天,小蓝趁妈妈出门的时候,溜出去找小黄。从家里找到外面,找了许久,才在一个角落里找到了小黄。小蓝和小黄惊喜地拥抱在一起,越抱越紧,结果融合在一起变成了“绿”。然后会发生什么有趣的事情呢?赶紧找一本来看看吧! 这个绘本曾经在网络上被大家吐槽过,觉得这么一个看似简单的“蓝+黄=绿”的过程怎么也能变成一个故事太可笑了。但事实上,这本绘本可以多层面理解:友谊、爱、融合、颜色认知、空间认知、情绪感知等等,而不单纯只是颜色的叠加。 This is little blue. 这是小蓝 Here he is at home with papa and mama blue. LIttle blue has many friends. 这里住着小蓝的家,里面有爸爸、妈妈和他。 小蓝有许多朋友。 but his best friend is little yellow, who lives across the street. 但他最好的朋友是小黄,他住在大街的对面。 How they love to play at Hide-and-Seek and Ring-a-Ring-O' Roses! 他们好喜欢玩捉迷藏和玫瑰花圈游戏(英国著名儿歌) In school they sit still in neat rows. After school they run and jump. 在学校他们一排排整齐地坐着。 放学后他们奔跑跳跃。 One day mama blue went shopping. "You stay home" she said to little blue. 一天小蓝妈妈去购物,临走前她对小兰说:“你要呆在家里”。 But little bule went out to look for little yellow. 但小蓝却出门去找小黄。 Alas! The house across the street was empty. He looked here. 啊!大街对面的房子是空的,他看了看. and there and everywhere…until suddenly,around a corner. 看看这里,看看那里…突然,转角处 there was little yellow! Happily they hugged each other. 那是小黄!好高兴啊他们抱在了一起。 until they were green. 直到他们变成了绿色。 Then they went to play in the park. They ran through- a tunnel. 他们去公园游玩。跑向一个隧道。 They chased little orange. They cilmbed a mountain. 他们追赶小橙。他们爬上山峰。 When they were tired,they went home. 当他们累了,决定回家。 But papa and mama blue said:" You are not our little blue, you are green." And papa and mama yellow said;" You are not our little yellow. you are green." 但小蓝父母说:“你不是我们的小蓝,你是小绿。” 小黄父母也说道:“你不是我们的小黄,你是小绿。” Little blue and little yellow were very sad. They cried big blue and yellow tears. They cried and cried until they were all tears. 小蓝和小黄非常伤心。他们大声哭了起来,流出了蓝色和黄色的泪水。 一直哭一直哭,直到他们都变成了眼泪。 When they finally pulled themselevs together they said:" Will they believe us now?" Mama blue and papa blue were very happy to see their little blue. 终于当他们手拉手一起回去时说:“他们现在会相信我们吗?” 小蓝妈妈和小蓝爸爸非常高兴能再次见到他们的小蓝。 They hugged and kissed him. And they hugged little yellow too…but look …they became green! 他们拥抱亲吻小蓝。当然他们也拥抱了小黄……但看看……他们i变成了绿色的! Now they knew what had happened and so they went across the street to bring the good news. 现在他们知道发生了什么。因此小蓝父母和小蓝、小黄一起穿过街道,告诉小黄父母这个好消息——找到了小黄。 They all hugged each other with joy. and the children played until suppertime. 他们带着欢声笑语,互相拥抱,孩子们一直玩到了晚餐时间。