

2020-11-07    05'03''

主播: Pei你慢成长

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1 / Forecasters predict cold winter 今冬气温或较往年偏低 China's winter, from December to February, will be chillier than usual, according to a nationwide weather outlook released by authorities on Wednesday. 气象部门11月4日发布的全国天气预测报告显示,我国今年冬季(12月至来年2月)的气温将较常年同期偏低。 The forecast, made jointly by the National Climate Center and the Ministry of Water Resources, said cold air will be frequent in northwestern and southern parts of China, including the provinces of Gansu, Qinghai, Shaanxi and Guizhou, as well as the Xinjiang Uygur and Guangxi Zhuang autonomous regions, with temperatures an average of 1 C to 2 C lower than in previous winters. 这份由国家气候中心和***联合发布的预测报告显示,今冬我国西北部和南部冷空气较频繁,甘肃、青海、陕西、贵州、新疆维吾尔自治区、广西壮族自治区等地的气温平均值将较常年同期低1-2摄氏度。 It added that long-lasting and large-scale freezing weather or snowstorms will be less likely to occur in the south this winter, but shorter episodes of such weather will be witnessed. Meanwhile, 20 percent to 50 percent more precipitation than normal will batter North China this winter, while in the south it will decrease by the same amount, the forecast said. 预测报告称,今冬我国南方发生大范围、持续性低温雨雪冰冻天气的可能性较小,但部分地区可能发生阶段性低温雨雪冰冻天气过程。与此同时,今冬我国北方地区降水较常年同期偏多2至5成,而南方地区降水则较常年同期偏少2至5成。 2 / 'US leaves Paris Agreement 美国正式退出巴黎协定 The US formally left the Paris Agreement on Wednesday. Of the nearly 200 signatories that signed the agreement, the US is the only one to walk away from its promises to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. 美国于11月4日正式退出《巴黎协定》,成为近200个缔约方中,唯一一个放弃履行减少温室气体排放承诺的国家。 President Trump originally announced his intention to withdraw from the landmark agreement in 2017 and formally notified the United Nations last year. A mandatory year-long waiting period ends on Wednesday. 美国总统特朗普最初在2017年宣布将退出这一具有里程碑意义的协定,并于去年正式通知联合国启动退出程序。为期一年的退出过程在11月4日结束。 The US has emitted more cumulative carbon dioxide into the atmosphere than any other country since the industrial era began in the mid-1800s. 自19世纪中期工业时代开始以来,美国累计向大气中排放的二氧化碳比任何其他国家都多。 The Paris accord, which was signed in 2015, is a collective agreement among nearly 200 countries that aims to prevent the earth's temperatures from rising 2 C above pre-industrial revolution temperatures, the value that climate scientists have determined will have disastrous consequences if exceeded. 《巴黎协定》是近200个缔约方在2015年共同签署的一项协议,旨在将全球平均气温较前工业化时期上升幅度控制在2摄氏度以内。气候科学家已经确定,升温若超过2摄氏度将会带来灾难性后果。 重点词汇: signatory 英 [ˈsɪɡnətri] 美 [ˈsɪɡnətɔːri] adj. 签署的,签约的 n. (协议的)签名人,签约国 yearlong 英 ['jɜːlɒŋ] 美 ['jə:lɔŋ, 'jiə-, -lɔ:ŋ] adj. 整整一年的;持续一年的 3 / 'Private jet bookings soar 英富人租飞机逃离封锁 Wealthy people in England are booking private jets to escape the lockdown set to be introduced on Thursday, according to jet brokers. 飞机租赁公司透露,英格兰的富人正在纷纷预订私人飞机,准备在11月5日封城之前逃离。 Air Partner, one of the biggest aircraft charter firms, said there had been a "sharp rise" in private jet bookings "out of the country before Thursday", as people look to avoid the lockdown and instead spend the time overseas. Air Partner是最大的飞机租赁公司之一,该公司表示,由于人们希望飞往海外躲避封城,预订私人飞机打算"在11月5日之前出境"的人数"急剧上升"。 The company, which supplies planes to Premier League footballers, celebrities, and the royal family, said it had been overwhelmed with enquiries from wealthy people seeking to escape the UK for second homes overseas. 这家公司为英超足球运动员、名人和王室提供飞机租赁服务,该公司表示接到大量来自英国富人的咨询,他们希望离开英国,飞往海外第二套住所。 The new lockdown in England, which is expected to come into force on Thursday, will ban residents in England from travelling abroad except for essential work until at least Dec 2. 英格兰新的封锁令将于11月5日生效,除工作等必要目的外,英格兰居民不得出国旅行,封锁期将至少持续至12月2日。 4 / Highest minimum monthly salary 日内瓦设最高'最低工资' Geneva is introducing the highest minimum monthly salary in the world this month, in response to a referendum at the end of September. The new hourly rate of 23Swiss francs ($25.28) will give a minimum monthly salary of 4,000 francs. 作为对9月底全民公投的回应,瑞士日内瓦自本月起实施全球最高的最低工资标准:每小时23瑞士法郎,每月4000瑞士法郎(约合人民币3万元)。 This Swiss canton may be rich but it is also home to tens of thousands of hotel workers, waiters, cleaners and hairdressers who struggle to make ends meet. When Switzerland went into lockdown in March, images of lines of people at food banks in Geneva made headlines. 日内瓦也许很富裕,但这里也居住着成千上万努力维持生计的酒店从业者、服务员、清洁工和理发师。今年3月瑞士实施封锁措施时,人们在日内瓦食物银行前排队的画面登上了新闻头条。 The new minimum wage will make a difference to many people. Businesses offering less than 23 francs an hour will now have to give employees a pay rise. To have to bear this new cost in the middle of the Covid pandemic and a drastic drop in profits could cause more harm than good, fears Vincent Subilia of Geneva's Chamber of Commerce. 新的最低工资标准将对许多人产生影响。时薪低于23瑞士法郎的企业现在必须给员工加薪。日内瓦商会的文森特•苏比莱亚担心,在新冠疫情持续和利润急降的情况下,企业不得不承担这一新的成本可能会弊大于利。 重点词汇: francs 英 [fræŋks] 美 [fræŋks] n. 法郎 法郎体系 drastic 英 [ˈdræstɪk; ˈdrɑːstɪk] 美 [ˈdræstɪk] n. 烈性泻药 adj. 激烈的;猛烈的