

2020-11-09    05'05''

主播: Pei你慢成长

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1 / COVID-19 immunity is waning 新冠免疫力或正在消退 Researchers in the UK say they've observed a "significant" decline in the percentage of the population with COVID-19 antibodies, potentially pointing to "waning immunity." 英国的研究人员称,他们观察到拥有新冠病毒抗体的人口比例"大幅"下降,这可能意味着"免疫力在消退"。 Imperial College London scientists in the study found the prevalence of COVID-19 antibodies declined from 6 percent of the British population in June to 4.4 percent in September. 帝国理工学院的科学家在这项研究中发现,英国带有新冠抗体的人口所占比例从六月份的6%下降到了九月份的4.4%。 Imperial College London's Helen Ward told BBC News the study suggests that "immunity is waning quite rapidly." 帝国理工学院的海伦•沃德告诉英国广播公司新闻频道说,研究表明"免疫力消退的速度相当快"。 Ward added in a statement, "We don't yet know whether this will leave these people at risk of reinfection with the virus that causes COVID-19, but it is essential that everyone continues to follow guidance to reduce the risk to themselves and others." 沃德在一份声明中还说:"我们还不知道这是否会导致人们陷入再度感染新冠病毒的风险,不过很重要的一点是,大家都要继续遵守疫情防控指导意见,以降低自己和他人的感染风险。" 重点词汇: reinfection 英 [,riːɪn'fekʃən] 美 [,riɪn'fɛkʃən] n. [医] 再感染 2 / Village to pay newcomers 意村庄发钱吸引新移民 A quaint little Italian town named Santo Stefano di Sessanio will pay people up to £40,000 to move into the town in an attempt to revive their economy. 意大利古朴小镇圣斯特凡诺•迪塞斯为重振经济,将为迁居这里的人发放最高4万英镑(约合人民币34万元)的补助金。 The medieval hilltop town is located in the mountains of the Abruzzo region, with only 115 citizens. Thirteen of them are under 20 while 41 are over 65, reported the Daily Mail. 据《每日邮报》报道,这个中世纪风格的山顶小镇坐落于阿布鲁佐地区的群山之中,目前只有115名居民。其中13人年龄在20岁以下,41人在65岁以上。 The report further cited the town council as having stated that it was "essential" to do something to ensure a sustainable and lasting development of the area. 报道还称,当地政府表示,为了确保本地的可持续和长久发展,必须要有所行动了。 The offer includes a monthly wage of up to £7,200 for the first three years. The town has stated that it hopes to attract tourist guides, cleaners, pharmacists and those who can promote local produce. 新移民迁来后前三年,每月能获得最高7200英镑的薪水。当地政府表示,他们希望吸引导游、清洁工、药剂师以及能推销当地农产品的人前来定居。 Furthermore, applicants must be aged between 18 and 40 and live in the village for a minimum of five years. 此外,申请者必须年龄在18至40岁之间,至少要这里长住五年。 重点词汇: hilltop 英 [ˈhɪltɒp] 美 [ˈhɪltɑːp] n. 小山顶 3 / Diamonds made from carbon 二氧化碳制成空气钻石? A British multi-millionaire and environmentalist has set out plans to create thousands of carats of laboratory-grown diamonds every year "made entirely from the sky". 英国一位资产过亿的环保主义者计划每年在实验室生产数千克拉钻石,这些钻石"完全用大气制造"。 Dale Vince, the founder of green energy supplier Ecotricity, claims to have developed the world's only diamonds to be made from carbon, water and energy sourced directly from the elements at a "sky mining facility" in Stroud. 绿色能源供应商Ecotricity的创始人戴尔•文斯称,已成功研发出世界上唯一一种由碳、水和能源制成的钻石,钻石中所含元素均由斯特劳德地区的"天空采矿设施"提取。 The "green technology" uses carbon dioxide captured directly from the atmosphere to form the diamonds – which are chemically identical to diamonds mined from the earth – using wind and solar electricity, with water collected from rainfall. 这种绿色技术直接利用从大气中捕获的二氧化碳制成钻石,过程中利用了风力、太阳能、以及从雨水中收集的水。这种钻石的化学性质与从地下开采的钻石完全相同。 The result is the "world's first zero-impact diamond", according to Vince. The clean energy entrepreneur said he hopes to challenge the traditional diamond mining industry, which causes "irreversible damage" to the environment. 根据文斯的说法,这是"世界上第一颗零污染钻石"。这位清洁能源企业家表示,他希望能向对环境造成"不可逆转损害"的传统钻石开采业发起挑战。 重点词汇: laboratory-grown 实验室里培养的 irreversible 英 [ˌɪrɪˈvɜːsəbl] 美 [ˌɪrɪˈvɜːrsəbl] adj. 不可逆的;不能取消的;不能翻转的 4 / You should call instead of text 为何打电话比发信息好 If you want to feel more connected to the people you're talking to, you should call them instead of texting. 如果你想和交谈的人感觉更亲近,你应该给他们打电话,而不是发短信。 A new study, published in the Journal of Experimental Psychology, found that communication interactions that included voice, like a phone call or video chat, created stronger social bonds than communication through typing, like text messaging or email. 发表在《实验心理学杂志》的一项新研究发现,打电话或视频聊天等包含语音的通信互动比发短信和电子邮件等打字通信方式更能加强社交纽带关系。 Sabrina Romanoff, a Harvard trained clinical psychologist based in New York City, says people tend to text or email instead of calling because of convenience, as they see it as a controlled form of communication where they can "correspond information exactly in the way they intend without unexpected additions by the other person." 哈佛大学毕业的纽约临床心理学家塞布丽娜•罗曼诺夫表示,为了方便,人们倾向于发短信或电子邮件,而不是打电话,因为他们将短信和电邮视为可控的通信方式,可以“精确地发送自己想传达的信息,而不会受到另一个人意外插话的干扰”。 Romanoff says that in reality, texting can make it hard to determine the true meaning behind a conversation. "A phone call is actually more convenient when considering the net effects of the message," she explains. "Each party is more present, and therefore, able to gauge the meaning behind the content without ruminating on the endless possible meanings behind words and punctuation." 罗曼诺夫指出,事实上,发短信会让人难以确定对话背后的真实含义。她解释道:“如果想保证信息传达的效果,打电话其实更方便。双方都在,因此能理解对话内容背后的含义,而不用没完没了地反复思考词句和标点背后的潜在含义。” 重点词汇: ruminate 英 [ˈruːmɪneɪt] 美 [ˈruːmɪneɪt] vt. 反刍;沉思;反复思考 vi. 沉思,反刍