

2020-11-16    18'20''

主播: Pei你慢成长

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Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and the politics of beauty 众议员亚历山大·奥卡西奥-科特兹的美妆政治 By Jo Ellison “If waking up and doing your make-up gives you life . . . you should do it.” So pronounces New York congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez as she smooths cosmetics on her eyes. “如果起床后,化妆能让你有精气神,那就该化。”来自纽约州的国会女议员亚历山大·奥卡西奥-科特兹一边熟练地画着眼妆一边说道。 It’s cheering to see an intelligent woman talking so freely about her love of make-up — one who is not ashamed to celebrate her looks. Women in politics tend to be cringingly bashful when talking about so-called girly subjects; it’s assumed a moral failure that any self-respecting feminist might want their lips to “pop”. Cosmetic maintenance is generally regarded as some kind of sexist cruelty. 看到这位睿智的女性如此自如地谈论她对美妆的热爱,并且不羞于自夸美颜,真是让人想给她点赞。从政的女性谈及所谓女里女气的话题,往往显得很难为情。自尊自爱的女权主义者一旦想给嘴唇添点彩,就会被认为是道德沦丧。要求女性保持上妆状态,通常被视为某种性别歧视者对女性施以的酷刑。 In her memoir What Happened, Hillary Clinton recalls being appalled to discover that she spent 600 hours (or 25 days) of her 2016 campaign trail being beautified before events. “I’m not jealous of my male colleagues often, but I am when it comes to how they can just shower, shave, put on a suit and be ready to go,” she explains. By contrast: “The few times I’ve gone out in public without make-up, it’s made the news.” 希拉里·克林顿在她的自传《何以致败》一书中回忆道,她发现自己2016年参加竞选活动时,竟然总共花了600个小时(25天)在活动前进行梳妆打扮,惊讶至极。她在自传中说道,“我通常不嫉妒男同事,但羡慕他们只需要洗个澡,刮个胡子,穿上西装就可以去办事。”截然相反的是,“有那么几次,我没化妆就去参加公众活动,结果却成了新闻”。 It’s refreshing, then, to see a political firebrand like AOC, already well-versed in attracting media attention, deciding that instead of trying to hide her beauty rituals, she will share them with the world. 亚历山大·奥卡西奥-科特兹是一位善于吸引媒体注意的政治积极分子,像她这样不刻意隐瞒自己的化妆步骤,反而公然分享,确实让人耳目一新。 You can bang on all day about child care, health, education and how much you appreciate your husband. But if you really want to hold a gal’s attention, show them how to find their fire. 你大可整天跟她们喋喋不休地聊育儿、卫生医疗、教育,以及多么崇拜你的丈夫。但若真想引起女孩的注意,就告诉她们怎样发现自己内心的那团火。