

2020-11-23    05'22''

主播: Pei你慢成长

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1 / Five vaccines in phase 3 trials 五款疫苗进入三期临床 Five Chinese COVID-19 vaccine candidates are in phase 3 clinical trials in foreign countries, including the United Arab Emirates, Brazil, Pakistan and Peru, Foreign Ministry spokesman Zhao Lijian said on Wednesday. In addition, a number of vaccines are moving forward with phase 1 and phase 2 clinical trials, Zhao said at a news conference. Zhao said the Chinese government and the nation's enterprises have been actively participating in international cooperation on vaccines through bilateral and multilateral channels. ***发言人赵立坚11月18日在记者会上表示,中国已有5支新冠疫苗正在阿联酋、巴西、巴基斯坦、秘鲁等多国开展III期临床试验,另有多支疫苗正在加紧推进I、II期临床试验。赵立坚表示,****和企业一直积极通过多双边渠道参与疫苗国际合作。 China joined COVAX, an international initiative aimed at ensuring equitable global access to COVID-19 vaccines, last month. China expects COVAX to include locally made Chinese vaccines on the purchase list once it succeeds in vaccine research and development, and it will contribute to enhancing vaccine accessibility and affordability in developing countries, he said. 中方上月还加入了旨在确保全球新冠疫苗公正分配的"新冠疫苗实施计划"。中方期待中国疫苗研发完成后能够尽早被纳入"实施计划"采购清单,为实现疫苗在发展中国家的可及性和可负担性做出自己的贡献。 重点词汇 1、bilateral 英 /ˌbaɪˈlætərəl/ 美 /ˌbaɪˈlætərəl/ adj. 双边的;有两边的 2、multilateral 英 /ˌmʌltiˈlætərəl/ 美 /ˌmʌltiˈlætərəl/ adj. [数] 多边的;多国的,多国参加的 3、equitable 英 /ˈekwɪtəbl/ 美 /ˈekwɪtəbl/ adj. 公平的,公正的;平衡法的 4、accessibility 英 /əkˌsesəˈbɪləti/ 美 /əkˌsesəˈbɪləti/ n. 易接近;可亲;可以得到 5、affordability 英 /əˌfɔːdəˈbɪləti/ 美 /əˌfɔːrdəˈbɪləti/ n. 支付能力;负担能力;可购性 2/ Cultural treasures back home 68件流失英国文物回国 After being abroad for decades, 68 Chinese cultural relics that had been taken to the UK recently were returned to their homeland, thanks to the joint efforts of the two countries, the National Cultural Heritage Administration said at a news conference on Wednesday. 国家文物局11月18日在新闻发布会上表示,得益于中英两国的共同努力,68件流失英国数十年的文物近日回国。 Some of the relics span millennia, dating from the Spring and Autumn Period (770-476 BC) to the Qing Dynasty (1644-1911), and they encompass a variety of items, mainly ceramics. They are from a variety of provinces, including Jiangxi, Anhui, Fujian, Henan, Shaanxi, Hebei and Guizhou. Their return brings an end to a quarter-century of efforts for repatriation, said Guan Qiang, deputy director of the administration. 这些文物时间跨度达千年,从春秋到清代,质地以陶瓷居多,地域分布江西、安徽、福建、河南、陕西、河北、贵州等。国家文物局副局长关强表示,这批文物的回归,为****持续25年的跨国文物追索行动画上圆满句号。 重点词汇 1、relic 英 /ˈrelɪk/ 美 /ˈrelɪk/ n. 遗迹,遗物;废墟;纪念物 2、millennia 英 /mɪˈleniə/ 美 /mɪˈleniə/ n. 千年期;千周年纪念日(millennium 的复数) 3、encompass 英 /ɪnˈkʌmpəs/ 美 /ɪnˈkʌmpəs/ vt. 包含;包围,环绕;完成 4、repatriation 英 /ˌriːˌpætriˈeɪʃn/ 美 /ˌriːˌpeɪtriˈeɪʃn/ n. 遣送回国;调回本国 3/ 737 Max receives FAA approval 波音737MAX获批复飞 The Federal Aviation Administration issued an order Wednesday that paved the way for the Boeing 737 Max to carry passengers again, ending the jet's 20-month grounding. The FAA released final details of the software, system and training upgrades Boeing and airlines must complete before carrying passengers. 美国联邦航空管理局(FAA)11月18日发布指令,批准波音737 MAX机型复飞。该机型全球停飞至今已有20个月。FAA公布了波音公司和航空公司在复飞之前必须完成的软件、系统和培训升级的最终细节。 The plane is the best-selling jet in Boeing's fleet. The 737 MAX crashes in Indonesia and Ethiopia killed 346 people within five months in 2018 and 2019 and triggered a hailstorm of investigations, frayed US leadership in global aviation and cost Boeing some $20 billion. While US airlines can start flying commercially once they complete the FAA's requirements, flights elsewhere will depend on approval from other regulators across the globe. 737 MAX是波音公司最畅销的机型。在2018年和2019年,波音737 MAX机型五个月内在印度尼西亚和埃塞俄比亚发生两起坠机事故,导致346人丧生,引发了一轮猛烈的调查,削弱了美国在全球航空业的领导地位,波音公司因此损失了约200亿美元。尽管美国的航空公司完成FAA的要求后就可以复飞该机型,但该机型在其他国家和地区的复飞则需要获得当地监管机构的批准。 重点词汇 1、pave the way for 为…做好准备;为…铺平道路 2、grounding 英 /ˈɡraʊndɪŋ/ 美 /ˈɡraʊndɪŋ/ n. [电] 接地;基础;搁浅;(染色的)底色;基础训练 v. [电] 接地(ground的ing形式);搁浅 3、hailstorm 英 /ˈheɪlstɔːm/ 美 /ˈheɪlstɔːrm/ n. 雹暴;雹暴般的降临 4/ Train's ski-gear ban '滑雪专列'禁带超规雪具 Skiers in Beijing planning a bullet-train ride to a nearby resort cluster now have to think again. A new regulation banning large carry-on ski equipment on the high-speed railway linking Beijing and Zhangjiakou's Chongli district in North China’s Hebei province has irked users of the service. Starting Tuesday, skis or snowboards measuring over 130 centimeters were prohibited on the train, with passengers now required to pay extra fees - almost equal to the ticket price - for delivering their oversized gear on another train. 北京的滑雪爱好者们如果正计划乘坐高铁前往附近滑雪胜地的话,可能得三思了。近日,连接北京市和河北省张家口市崇礼区的高铁线路不再允许携带大型雪具,惹恼了一众滑雪爱好者。11月17日起,京张高铁崇礼支线列车不再允许携带长宽高之和超过130厘米的雪具乘车,乘客只能为超规雪具购买另一辆列车上的快运服务,快递费用相当于又购买了一张高铁车票。 (photo:Xinhua) The train's limited luggage capacity had resulted in ski bags being packed precariously into overhead racks, blocking aisles and taking up seats, thereby posing safety risks, China Railway Beijing Group said in a statement. Li Hongchang, a professor of integrated transportation at Beijing Jiaotong University, suggested that the train operator could offer special carriages for passengers with oversized ski bags at a slightly more expensive ticket price. "Then you could transport the skiers and snowboarders together with their gear while avoiding inconveniences for other passengers," Li said. 北京铁路局发布声明称,列车上行李放置空间有限,造成大量雪具堆放在座位上方的行李架上、堵塞通道、挤占旅客乘车空间,形成安全隐患。北京交通大学综合交通发展研究院教授李红昌建议,铁路部门可以给携带超规雪具的乘客提供专门车厢,该车厢票价略高于普通车厢,这样就可以让滑雪爱好者携带雪具上车,同时也避免给其他乘客造成不便。 重点词汇 1、bullet-train 子弹式高速列车;动车 2、irk 英 /ɜːk/ 美 /ɜːrk/ vt. 使烦恼;使厌倦 3、precariously 英 /prɪˈkeəriəsli/ 美 /prɪˈkeriəsli/ adv. 不安全地;不牢靠地 4、integrated 英 /ˈɪntɪɡreɪtɪd/ 美 /ˈɪntɪɡreɪtɪd/ adj. 综合的;完整的;互相协调的 v. 整合;使…成整体(integrate的过去分词)