

2021-02-22    04'15''

主播: Pei你慢成长

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1 / UK's 'thinnest house' on sale 英国伦敦'最瘦'住宅出售 A property in London's Shepherd's Bush might be the thinnest one in the country, and it is up for sale for $1.3 million by estate agents Winkworth. Squeezed between a walk-in clinic and a hair salon that has shuttered, the property is all of six-feet wide, has five floors and measures a total of 1,034 square feet.  位于英国伦敦谢菲尔德布什地区的一处房产可能是"伦敦最瘦的房子",目前正在网上由房地产中介温克沃思挂牌出售,要价130万美元。这栋面积1034平方英尺(约454平方米)的住宅夹在一个免预约诊所和一个已经关门的美发沙龙之间,有五层楼高,宽度仅为6英尺(约1.8米)。  Reportedly the home was once a Victorian hat shop with storage and living quarters and was built in the late 19th or early 20th century.  据报道,这栋房屋建于19世纪末或20世纪初,曾是维多利亚时代的一家帽子店,带有仓库和生活区。 And while a price tag of $1.3 million means this listing is far from affordable, tiny houses are increasingly popular as architects respond to high living costs, increasing urban density and greater interest in downsizing and simplifying our lives. 虽然130万美元的价格意味着这套房源让很多人都买不起,但随着建筑师们对高生活成本、城市密度的提高,以及对缩小和简化生活的更大兴趣,迷你屋越来越受欢迎。 重点词汇 1. walk-in adj. (宽敞得可以)步入的;(无需、未经)预约的 n. 可供人走进之物;轻易获得的胜利 2、shuttered 英 /ˈʃʌtəd/   美 /ˈʃʌtərd/   adj. 关上(或装有)护窗的 2/ Synthetic beef to save the planet 盖茨呼吁改吃人造牛肉 Bill Gates recently said that he believes rich nations would help the global fight against climate change by consuming only plant-based meat products instead of beef. In a recent interview with Technology Review, Gates discussed his new book, "How to Avoid a Climate Disaster," and emphasized the benefits rich nations could produce by moving to "100% synthetic beef."  比尔•盖茨近日表示,他认为,富裕国家可以通过放弃食用牛肉、而用植物性肉类代替来帮助全球对抗气候变化。盖茨近日在接受美国《技术评论》采访时谈到了他的新书《如何避免气候灾难》,并强调了富裕国家改食"100%合成牛肉"的益处。  "I do think all rich countries should move to 100% synthetic beef," Gates said when asked about how countries can help to reduce methane emissions when it comes to food production. "You can get used to the taste difference, and the claim is they're going to make it taste even better over time."  当被问及各国在粮食生产方面如何帮助减少甲烷排放时,盖茨说:"我真觉得,所有富裕国家都应该改用100%合成牛肉。你会慢慢习惯二者在味道上的差异,而且据说,随着时间的推移,(合成牛肉的)味道会更好。" Praising the technological achievements in agriculture and bioengineering, Gates said there was no other way but to eliminate livestock, even as he admitted that telling people "You can't have cows anymore" is a "politically unpopular approach to things." 此外,盖茨还赞扬了农业和生物工程方面的技术成就,并表示,尽管他承认,告诉人们不能再养牛在政治上是不受欢迎的,但除了消灭牲畜,别无他法。 重点词汇 1. synthetic 英 /sɪnˈθetɪk/   美 /sɪnˈθetɪk/   adj. 人造的;(人工)合成的;综合(型)的 n. 合成物;合成纤维(织物);合成剂 3/  Britain's favorite takeaway 英国人点外卖最爱中餐 The COVID-19 pandemic had shifted Britons' takeaway habits, with those who ordered frequently before the pandemic doing even more so during lockdown.  新冠疫情改变了英国人点外卖的习惯,那些在疫情前就经常点外卖的人在封锁期间点外卖的频率更高了。  One in four Brits (25%) picked Chinese food as their preferred takeaway, while 17% say they prefer Indian, and another 16% opt for the classic fish and chips, according to a survey carried out by YouGov.  根据舆观发布的调查数据,25%的英国受访者将中餐选为自己最喜欢的外卖,17%的受访者选印度料理,16%选英国本地料理炸鱼薯条。 Around one in eight (12%) people overall would choose pizza as their go-to takeaway, while Thai food and kebabs prove significantly less popular (3% each) followed by chicken and burgers (2% each). A significant proportion of the population (13%) also say they do not eat takeaway. 约八分之一(12%)的受访者喜欢点披萨做外卖。接下来是泰国料理和烤肉串(均为3%),受欢迎程度远不及前面几种食物,在这之后是鸡肉和汉堡(均为2%)。另有13%的人表示不点外卖。 重点词汇 1. takeaway 英 /ˈteɪkəweɪ/   美 /ˈteɪkəweɪ/   n. 外卖餐馆;外卖的饭菜;外卖食物 2. kebab 英 /kɪˈbæb/   美 /kɪˈbɑːb/   n. 烤肉串 4/ China's water diversion project 逾400亿立方米南水北调 The South-to-North Water Diversion Project, the world's largest, has transferred over 40 billion cubic meters of water through its middle and eastern routes since it went into operation, according to official data.  官方数据显示,南水北调正式通水以来,东线和中线调水累计超过400亿立方米。南水北调是目前世界上最大的调水工程。 The project has greatly contributed to ensuring the drinking water safety of hundreds of millions of people, promoting economic and social development along its route, while improving the ecological environment, said the Ministry of Water Resources.  水利部表示,南水北调为保障上亿群众饮水安全、促进沿线地区经济社会发展、助力生态环境改善作出了重要贡献。  The middle route, the most prominent of three due to its role in feeding water to the nation's capital, starts from the Danjiangkou Reservoir in Hubei province and runs across Henan and Hebei before reaching Beijing and Tianjin.  南水北调三条线路中最重要的部分——中线工程一期于2014年12月12日投入使用,这个工程从湖北丹江口水库调水,流经河南、河北、抵达北京、天津。 It began supplying water on Dec 12, 2014. The eastern route began operations in November 2013, transferring water from Jiangsu province to feed areas including Tianjin and Shandong. The western route is at the planning stage and is yet to be built. 东线工程一期于2013年11月通水,自江苏引水,向天津、山东等地区供水。西线工程仍处于前期规划论证阶段,还未开建。 重点词汇 1. South-to-North Water Diversion Project 南水北调工程