

2021-03-09    21'39''

主播: Pei你慢成长

717 8

离婚冷静期,真的能让人冷静吗?  2021年1月1日起,中国开始实施《民法典》。其中有关“离婚冷静期”的规定引发了热议。虽然立法的本意是减少冲动离婚,但也有人觉得会适得其反。那么有离婚念头的夫妻会等到新法施行后“冷静一下”再离婚吗?除此之外,离婚率和经济增长有什么关系?一起进入今天的讲解。   英文原文  China Tried to Slow Divorces by Making Couples Wait. Instead, They Rushed.  中国希望通过设立冷静期降低离婚率,却引发了一波扎堆离婚  By Elsie Chen and Sui-Lee Wee  The new cooling-off period was introduced to deter impulsive divorces, but it prompted a scramble at the end of last year among couples urgently wanting to part ways.  设立离婚冷静期本来是为了阻止冲动离婚,但是去年年底却在急于分道扬镳的夫妻中引发了一波离婚潮。  China’s steadily rising divorce rate has compounded the challenges facing the government's efforts to reverse a demographic crisis that threatens economic growth. The number of marriages has plummeted every year since 2014, and officials have also grown increasingly concerned that more wedded couples were acting hastily to untie the knot.  ****正在致力于应对人口下降给经济增长带来的威胁,但不断攀升的离婚率使其面临的挑战更加严峻。自2014年以来,每年的结婚数量持续大幅下降。与此同时,官方也越来越担心有更多夫妇会草率离婚。  “Some couples would fight in the morning and divorce in the afternoon,” Long Jun, an expert who worked to include the rule in the country’s new civil code, said in an interview. “In order to reduce this phenomenon, the civil code was designed to address this in a systemic way.”  法律专家龙俊(清华大学法学院副教授)一直致力于将离婚冷静期纳入新的《民法典》,在接受采访时他介绍道:“有些夫妻上午吵架,下午就去离婚,《民法典》的立法就是要减少这种现象,系统地解决这一问题。”  Data released by the civil affairs ministry recently showed that there were more than a million filings for divorce in the last three months of 2020, up 13 percent compared to the same period a year earlier.  ***最近发布的数据显示,在2020年的最后三个月中,有超过一百万件离婚申请,比上一年同期增长了13%。  For many, the rush to get divorced before the rule took effect meant that in cities like Shanghai, Guangzhou and Shenzhen, residents sometimes had to wait up to a month for an appointment. Some described going to unusual lengths to beat the crowd.  在上海、广州和深圳等城市,由于想赶在新规实施之前离婚的人数太多,有时预约一个号码要等待长达一个月,也有人为了“抢占先机”用尽各种手段。