

2021-03-10    22'29''

主播: Pei你慢成长

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每天多喝点咖啡还有这好处? 课程导读  咖啡与健康的关系一直备受关注。近期一项新的研究发现,喝咖啡与降低罹患心脏衰竭的长期风险具有相关性。那么到底每天喝多少咖啡才能降低患病风险,是不是任何品种的咖啡都有作用呢?一起来听今天的讲解。  英文原文  Coffee Drinking Tied to Lower Risk of Heart Failure  喝咖啡或可降低心力衰竭风险  By Nicholas Bakalar  A large analysis looked at hundreds of factors that may influence the risk of heart failure and found one dietary factor in particular that was associated with a lower risk: drinking coffee.  一项大型分析研究了数百种可能影响心力衰竭风险的因素,发现一项饮食因素与降低心衰风险尤为相关,那就是:喝咖啡。  Heart failure, sometimes called congestive heart failure, occurs when the heart muscle becomes weakened and can no longer pump blood efficiently. It can be caused by high blood pressure, heart valve disease, heart attack, diabetes and other diseases and conditions.  心力衰竭,也叫做充血性心力衰竭,发生在心肌衰弱,泵血功能低下的时候,可能由高血压、心脏瓣膜疾病、心脏病发作、糖尿病以及其他疾病引起。  Using machine learning technique, Dr. David P. Kao, an assistant professor of medicine at the University of Colorado, and his colleagues found 204 variables that are associated with the risk for heart failure. Coffee drinking was associated more strongly than any other dietary factor with a decreased long-term risk for heart failure.  大卫·P·高博士是科罗拉多大学的医学助理教授,他和同事们利用机器学习技术,发现了204个与心力衰竭风险相关的变量。与其他所有饮食因素相比,喝咖啡与降低心力衰竭长期风险的相关性更高。  Drinking a cup a day or less had no effect, but two cups a day conferred a 31 percent reduced risk, and three cups or more reduced risk by 29 percent.  每天喝一杯或不足一杯没什么影响,但是,每天喝两杯可以把心力衰竭的风险降低31%,每天喝三杯或者更多,可以将风险降低29%。  The study was not able to account for different types of coffee or brewing methods, or the use of additives like sugar or cream. There was no association of a decreased risk of heart failure with drinking decaffeinated coffee — in fact, one study suggested it might increase the risk.  这项研究并不能分辨不同咖啡种类对患病风险的差异性,也不能解释不同冲煮方法,是否添加糖和奶油等添加剂与患病风险之间的关系。饮用不含咖啡因的咖啡与降低心衰风险之间没有关联。事实上,一项研究表明,它可能会增加这一风险。  【课后作业】  1. 翻译  2. 按照医学词汇和学术研究表达两个方向,归类文中单词,发在心得区,期待你的留言噢。  生词好句  1.A is tied to B A 和 B 有关联(较紧密) 拓展: 近义表达:A is associated with B Humans are tied to nature. 人类跟自然息息相关。  2.heart failure 心力衰竭 拓展: failure UK /ˈfeɪljə/ US /ˈfeɪljər/ n. 失败;衰竭;故障 kidney failure 肾衰竭 liver failure 肝功能衰竭 power failure 电池故障 engine failure 发动机故障  3.look at 深入研究 拓展: The board is looking at the finance of the company. 董事会正在审核这家公司的财务情况。  4.in particular 尤其,特别(especially) 拓展: 经常放在其修饰的名词或代词后面,用来强调这个东西很特别,跟其他的同类都不一样 Why are you, in particular, so extraordinary? 为什么你特别突出?  5.congestive 英 [kənˈdʒəstɪv] 美 [kənˈdʒəstɪv] adj. 充血性的  6.pump 英 [pʌmp] 美 [pʌmp] v. 用泵(或泵样器官等)输送;n. 泵  7.assistant professor 助理教授 拓展: instructor 讲师 associate professor 副教授 full professor 正教授  8.variable 英 [ˈveəriəbl] 美 [ˈveriəbl] n. 可变因素  9.A is associated with B A和B有关系  10.confer 英 [kənˈfɜː] 美 [kənˈfɜːr] v. 给出,给予,授予某人(奖项、学位、荣誉或权利) 拓展: confer legitimacy 赋予合法性 confer a public good 为社会做贡献  11.account for 解释(比 explain正式)  12.brew 英 [bruː] 美 [bruː] v. 沏(茶),煮(咖啡);n. (茶、咖啡等)一次的冲泡量 拓展: Let’s have a brew. It’s freshly brewed.  我们喝杯茶吧,这是刚泡好的。  Let the tea brew for a few minutes.  让茶再泡一会儿。  I’ll make a fresh brew.  我再泡壶新的。  It’s my turn to brew up.  该轮到我来泡了。  13.additive 英 [ˈædɪtɪv] 美 [ˈædətɪv] n. 添加剂  14.there is no association of A with B A和B之间没有联系 拓展: There is no association of learning capacity with gender. 学习的能力,跟性别没有关系。  15.decaffeinated coffee 不含咖啡因的咖啡 拓展: May I have a decaf? 我想要一杯不含咖啡因的咖啡。