四六级翻译词汇积累Tomb- sweeping Day

四六级翻译词汇积累Tomb- sweeping Day

2022-04-04    02'54''

主播: Learning English with Cindy

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Tomb- sweeping Day清明节 honour and pay respect to one’s deceased ancestors and family members纪念祖先和已逝的家人visit the family grave扫墓sweep the tomb打扫墓地uproot/remove weeds near the grave site 拔除/清除墓地附近的杂草wipe the tombstone擦拭墓碑decorate the tombstone with flowers用鲜花装饰墓碑set out offerings of food 供奉上食物祭品burn incense and paper money焚香烧纸钱bow before the tombstone鞠躬祭拜demonstrate good Confucian filial piety展示良好的儒家孝道pay respect to remember the deceased追思故人practice filial piety尽孝