影视沙龙——卡罗尔 Carol

影视沙龙——卡罗尔 Carol

2016-03-24    27'44''

主播: 湖南中医药大学CEC电台

874 15

电影原声——卡罗尔给特雷斯的信 Dearest, There is no accident. He would find us one way or another. Everything comes full circle. Be grateful that it is sooner rather than later. You would think it is harsh of me to say so but no explanation I offer would satisfy you. Please do not be angry when I say you seek resolutions and explanations because you are young. But you will understand this one day. And when it happens, I want you to imagine me there to greet you. Our life stretched out ahead of us, a perpetual sunrise. But until then, there must be no contact between us. I have much to do. And you my daring, even more. Please believe I will do anything to see you happy. So I do the only thing I can--I release you.