温馨时尚美语Fiberhome 骥远

温馨时尚美语Fiberhome 骥远

2014-10-22    01'05''

主播: 骥远

449 0

FiberHome Serving the urban life with a full rage of intelligent manner Connecting every corner of the world Communications brings convenience Anywhere, anytime. FiberHome Providing management support for quality life and public services Providing new form of Internet for our community management Providing smart computing for cloud service platform Providing smart home appliance and infotainment combo for our home life With these We eliminate the distance of time and space We protect your family in a most reliable way We present you all possibilities to make your dreams come true Now FiberHome served people like you around world in more than 100 countries Innovation, improves your life today FiberHome, always by your side
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