Hey listen

Hey listen

2014-10-21    01'00''

主播: rockyben

6947 85

Hey,listen,if you are not that great as it now, don't worry about it,just do the best you possibly can. Tomorrow morning when you get out of the bed, do a little bit better than that, the next day after that, do a little bit better than that. If you want to compete with someone, compete with yourself, be the best you can possibly be everyday.' 如果你觉得自己现在还不够好,不要担心,尽可能做到最好。当第二天从床上爬起来的时候,比前一天做的更好一些,第三天比第二天做的更好一些。如果你想和别人竞争,先战胜自己。每一天尽可能做到最好。
上一期: Think Different
下一期: We're a team.