Five little monkeys sitting in a tree

Five little monkeys sitting in a tree

2015-04-20    07'01''

主播: 爱言亲子英语

626 11

Five little monkeys and their mama walk down to the river for a picnic supper. 五只小猴子和妈妈一起去河边野餐。 Mama spreads out a blanket and settles down for a snooze... 妈妈铺开野餐垫,打个盹。 ...while five little monkes climb a tree to watch Mr. Crocodile. 五只小猴子爬到树上,看看鳄鱼先生。 Five little monkeys, sitting in a tree, tease Mr. Crocodile, "Can&`&t catch me!" 五只小猴子坐在树上面,逗弄鳄鱼先生:“你可抓不到我!” Along comes Mr. Crododile. Snap! 鳄鱼先生来了,张大嘴,“啪嗒!” Oh, no! Where is she? 天哪!小猴子不见了。 Four little monkeys, sitting in a tree, tease Mr. Crocodile, "Can&`&t catch me!" Along comes Mr. Crocodile. 四只小猴子坐在书上面,逗弄鳄鱼先生:“你可抓不到我!”鳄鱼先生来了。 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 关于我们: 爱言亲子英语是浙大系妈妈和阿里系妈妈共同创立的公益英语,致力于0-12岁中国儿童的英语启蒙、英语阅读和英语思维,打造亲子英语、双语思维。 我们的WEIXIN GONGZHONGHAO:爱言亲子英语 荔枝FM:FM760830爱言亲子英语小组 QQ群:338436578