

2019-03-25    00'56''

主播: 玩@妖

60 0

I love Queen like everybody else, but I didn't know the intimate details of Freddie's life or Queen's life, and it was just fascinating. As soon as I heard I might even have the job, I just started watching all the archival footage, every interview I could get my hands on. And then we weren't officially green-lit, so I flew myself out to London and started taking singing lessons and piano lessons. I sat down with choreographers and I realized, oh I don't need a choreographer, because this guy wasn't, he wasn't choreographed. He was spontaneous in every moment. The teeth took a while to get used to, hard to talk in them, hard to sing in them, and hard to kiss in them, but I appreciated them so much by the end of it. I just felt naked without them. I had them cast in gold.
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