

2019-03-31    01'21''

主播: 玩@妖

51 0

Finding the Right Elementary School #1 Engaged kids. Lots of schools will let you inside a class or two but try to peek into as many as you can. Look at kids' faces. Do they look like this, or this? Don't judge too quickly but if you see a few classes where half the kids look bored or disengaged, beware. Good teachers engage their students most of the time. #2 Look for high expectations. And I mean, everywhere. For instance, GreatSchools says that non-fiction writing can tell you tons about a school's academic expectations. They say you should look for example of fourth or fifth grade writing or ask for sample if you have to. And while we're on the subject of high expectation, check out the bathrooms. Good schools will have high expectations for students, teachers, even the custodian. So look at the hallways and the cafeterias too. #3 Look for positive school climate. Be sure to check out recess, it can tell you a lot about the school climate. How do people treat each other. Look for the bad and the good.
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