8.11.EMF 温故而知新

8.11.EMF 温故而知新

2018-08-11    00'45''

主播: Steven Tang 3366

173 2

8-11EMF Most people only pay attention to the final product of a successful entrepreneur. What most don’t see is what they’ve overcome - all the struggles, the daily rejections, the heartaches, the betrayals, the rumors, the criticism, the empty bank account, and all those lonely nights while trying to make their vision a reality. 大多数人都只关注一个成功企业家最后的成果,而却忽视了他们所克服的困难。所有的煎熬、每日的拒绝、心痛的感觉、背叛和欺骗、谣言和中伤、批评与指责、可怜的银行账户,还有那些为了将梦想变为现实而度过的无数个寂寞的夜晚。 You see, the only difference between the one who quits and the one who doesn’t is that they showed up every day, they worked hard every day, they hustled every day, they improved every day. They did all this even though they felt like quitting every day. And eventually they became who they are today. 你看,那些放弃和坚持的人之间的区别就是——他们每天都在坚持、每天都在努力、每天都在推销、每天都在进步。即使每天都感觉自己快要坚持不下去了,可是依然咬牙做到了。最终,他们就变成了你现在看到的模样。