9.24.EMF 中国民间艺术传承瑰宝-皮影戏

9.24.EMF 中国民间艺术传承瑰宝-皮影戏

2018-09-24    01'05''

主播: Steven Tang 3366

137 0

中国民间艺术传承瑰宝-皮影戏 Shadow puppetry is a kind of performing art. It uses music and operatic singing to accompany silhouette figures made from leather or paper. These figures are manipulated to create the illusion of moving images in front of an illuminated backdrop. Because it employs lights and shadows as the medium for storytelling, shadow puppetry can be considered as the ancestor of both Chinese Opera and modern film. Like other folk arts, the evolution of shadow puppetry has been closely connected with the life and culture of the people. It reflects the folk beliefs of the historical period, and it also met the demands of the people for entertainment. The development of shadow puppetry has been integrated with local folk melodies. It has consequently produced diversified shadow play music and local singing styles. 皮影戏是一种表演艺术。它运用音乐和戏剧演唱来搭配皮革或纸制的人物剪影。这些人物剪影由艺人们操纵,以此在一块被照亮的幕布前创作出动画效果。因为皮影戏中运用了光与影作为故事讲述的媒介,所以它被认为是中国京剧和现代电影的鼻祖。 和其他的民间艺术一样,皮影戏的演变与人们的生活与文化息息相关。它反映了特定历史时期对应的民间思想,同时也满足了人们对于娱乐的需求。皮影戏的发展融合了当地的民间曲调。因此皮影戏就有了不同的乐曲风格和演唱风格。