9.25.EMF 作为一名机长的心得体会

9.25.EMF 作为一名机长的心得体会

2018-09-25    01'02''

主播: Steven Tang 3366

168 3

一名机长的心得体会 My name is Daniel Bailey. I work for a major airline in the United States. I'm very fortunate to be in the position that I'm in. I've been with this particular airline for 12 years and have stepped up through the ranks basically flying domestically on the 737. Now I think there are some people that get into it because they say, "Oh, I can have a lot of money and not work much." That's a little bit of a misconception. The money can be good and you can have a schedule sometimes, which is really beneficial to you. You know, you have a lot of time off. But to get to that point usually requires a lot of dedication and sacrifice. Many jobs and aviation entry-level airline jobs don't pay that great and have a tough schedule. But most of the airline industry is based on seniority, and as you spend time in it you gain better trips and more pay.