12.16. EMF  周日三首,有关爱与孩子和小诗

12.16. EMF 周日三首,有关爱与孩子和小诗

2018-12-16    01'34''

主播: Steven Tang 3366

164 0

《I Love You More Than Applesause》/By Jack Prelutsky I love you more than applesauce, Than peaches and a plum, Than chocolate hearts, And cherry tarts, And berry bubblegum. I love you more than lemonade, And seven-layer cakes, Than lollipops, And candy drops, And thick vanilla shakes. I love you more than marzipan, Than marmalade on toast; For I love pies Of any size, But I love you the most. 我爱你胜过苹果酱 胜过桃子胜过李子 胜过巧克力甜心 还有樱桃挞 和梅子味的泡泡糖 我爱你胜过柠檬汁 胜过七层蛋糕 胜过棒棒糖 胜过硬果糖 也胜过浓浓的香草奶昔 我爱你胜过杏仁蛋白糊我爱你胜过吐司上的果酱 我喜欢任何大小的派但是我最爱的却是你。 《I Love My Children》 I am your parent, you are my child. I am your quiet place, you are my wild. I am your calm face, you are my giggle. I am your compass, you are my wiggle. I am your dinner, you are my chocolate cake. I am your bedtime, you are my wide awake. I am your lullaby, you are my peekaboo. I am you your goodnight kiss, you are my I Love You. 我是你的家长,你是我的孩子我是你安静的港湾,你是我的抓狂 我能给你镇静的神情,你能给我咯咯欢笑 我是你人生的指南针,你能让我开心到摇摆 我是你的晚餐,你是我的巧克力蛋糕我是哄你入睡的人,你是我惊醒的理由 我是你的摇篮曲,你是我的躲猫猫我是你每晚的晚安之吻,你是我永生的心头之宝 《Walk With Me, Daddy》/By Helen Bush Walk alongside me, Daddy and hold my little hand I have So many things to learn that I don't yet understand Teach me things to keep me safe from dangers every day. Show me how to do my best at home, at school, at play. Every child needs a gentle hand to guide them as they grow. So walk alongside me, Daddy. We have a long way to go. 《与我同行,爸爸》 抓着我小小的手 我有很多东西要学习 而现在我都不知道 你教会我保护自己, 每一天都远离危险 你教会我成为最好的自己, 不论是在家,在学校,还是在游乐园 每一个孩子都需要一只温柔的手 引领他们成长 所以,爸爸,请伴我同行 因为我们的人生路还有很长