2.17.EMF 周日Fun轻松 送什么礼物,可以让Ta每天想起你? Philips Sonicare

2.17.EMF 周日Fun轻松 送什么礼物,可以让Ta每天想起你? Philips Sonicare

2019-02-17    01'26''

主播: Steven Tang 3366

175 6

Philips Sonicare toothbrushes clean teeth in a way a manual toothbrush cannot. Their patented sonic technology uses high frequency and amplitude to generate a unique brushing action. The unique bristle tip activity has a velocity of over 30,000 strokes per minute which results in thorough plaque biofilm disruption and the brush sweeps back and forth allowing you to clean even hard-to-reach areas. Now apply toothpaste to the brush head, wet the brush head, and tum the brush on when it is in your mouth. Angle the brush along the gum line at about 45 degrees. Now gently glide and guide the brush along the gum line using only light pressure from your fingertips. Slowly move the brush from tooth to tooth. While moving, the longer bristles effectively clean in between the teeth Now move the brush head slowly along inner surfaces of all your teeth. Spend extra time on the inner surfaces of your lower front teeth as this is where calculus can build up. Cleaning the biting surfaces is even easier. Just slowly move across them and let the Sonicare toothbrush do its job. 飞利浦声波震动钻石电动牙刷 利浦声波震动电动牙刷刷牙齿的方式是手动牙刷无法做到的。他们的声波技术专利利用高频和振幅产生独特的刷牙动作。独特的刷头每分钟可以产生超过3万次的动作,彻底破坏牙菌斑生物膜,刷头来回刷动,甚至可以刷到难以触及的区域。 现在把牙膏挤到刷头上,把刷头沾湿,当把牙刷放到你嘴里的时候把开关打开。牙刷沿牙龈线以45度左右的角度倾斜。现在轻轻滑动,用指尖轻轻按压引导牙刷沿牙龈线刷牙。慢慢地把牙刷从一颗牙齿移动到另一颗牙齿。移动时较长的刷毛能够有效清洁牙齿之间的脏东西。然后沿着所有牙齿的内表面慢慢移动刷头。多花一点时间刷你的下门牙的内表面,因为这个地方可以产生牙结石。清理咬痕表面就更容易了。慢慢地刷过它们,让声波震动电动牙刷自己完成就可以了。