2.21.EMF 真爱,无关种族,不分肤色

2.21.EMF 真爱,无关种族,不分肤色

2019-02-21    00'57''

主播: Steven Tang 3366

153 1

You know, we 're taking about a time when most companies in China would regard pregnant women as trouble. That's no longer the case. I think. that hiring pregnant women is a responsibility that all companies should take and a policy that the government should make. One time. Chris came to me as we were at a Christmas party, and you know, even though he's coming from a very poor, very thrifty, very anti-luxury family, when he saw me, he gave me a diamond ring, and that's always in the sweet memories that I have with him. I had asked Jackie to promote me on several occasions. and he refused. And he refused. because I was working in the sales department, and he was afraid that my being promoted would threaten. or somewhere somehow. diminish his influence among clients. 1.你懂的,我们说的是曾经几乎所有的中国公司都把怀孕的女人当作麻烦。如今当然已经不是这样了。我觉得给怀孕的女人一份工作是每家公司的责任也是政府应该制定的政策。 2.在一次圣诞晚会中,克里斯朝我走来。你知道的,克里斯出生在一个很穷、很节俭、很反对奢侈品的家庭,但是他看到我,给了我一枚钻石戒指。这将会永远存在于我们的甜蜜回忆中。 3.我在多个场合请求 Jackie给我升职,但是他拒绝了。他拒绝是因为我在销售邴门工作,他担心我的升职会威胁,或者在特定的场合以特定的方式,减少他在客户当中的影响力。