

2019-02-28    00'45''

主播: Steven Tang 3366

172 0

I Say to people that six months after my daughters birth, I suddenly had what call my transformation. I suddenly realized that I was versatile, (and) that I was going to mature. I didn't know that. Some wet blankets had told me that it was going to be in vain, but I made a positive decision that I was going to work hard and try and get it done. And realized at that time, Whatever you fear, it's just the fear itself. Ten years later, I'm still doing this talking to you every day through English Michael Fun. That said, teaching is a true-calling to me, and I'm totally bound to the destiny. 1.我经常和别人说,女儿出生六个月后我就经历了人生的一个转变。我突然意识到原来我是全能的,我会变得成熟。只是过去我不知道罢了 2.一些只会泼冷水的人曾经告诉我,这都是徒劳无功。但是我决定积极面对,努力尝试,一定能做得到。同时我明白了,不管你害怕什么,都只是这种害怕的感觉而已。 3.十年之后,我依然做着同样的事情,每天通过《英语麦克风》和大家交流。之所以这么说,因为教育是我内心的呼唤,我完全和这个使命绑在一起了。