

2014-10-14    13'01''

主播: 奥斯卡英语能力教育

1152 118

【找座位、身体不适与饮食】 (寻找座位)Excuse me,could you show me where seat 18A is? (换座位)Can I change seats with you? (座位被占)You have my seat. (帮忙放行李)could you help me put my baggage upthere? Could you tell me how to(系fasten)\(解unfasten)the seat belt安全带? How do I recline my seat(放下椅背)? Could you put your seat up(竖直椅背)? How do I turn on the light?(开灯) could you give me one more (毯子blanket)\( pillow枕头)? (感觉不舒服)I don't feel well\feel sick\feel like vomiting(想吐) when do you start to serve dinner(供应晚餐)? Do you have any thing for airsickness\headache?(索取药品) which currencies(货币) do you accept,euros or us dollars? Can I pay by credit cards?(信用卡支付) What is the local time?(当地时间)