EM1LP5讲解~My Neighbourhood

EM1LP5讲解~My Neighbourhood

2018-08-01    35'22''

主播: yoga_yj

4014 158

【EM1-LP5 My Neighborhood 】 Meten, Longhua Center, SZ, LT: Yoga Yu 亲爱的听众朋友们大家好,这里是Yoga的荔枝电台,我是美联深圳龙华中心的LT Yoga,在这里为大家播讲新M1的LP5的课程,欢迎您的收听,希望通过我们的节目,你能够对本课有更好的预习和复习,让我们开始学习吧! Unit Goals of Unit5: 教学目标: (1) Talk about places in your neighborhood. 讨论你社区里的地方; (2) Get someone’s attention. 得到某人的注意。 (3)Ask for and give directions. 询问和给出方向。 【Words and phrases: 单词和短语:】 1.课文中的单词和短语:San Francisco旧金山,neighborhood n 附近,街区, favorite adj 最喜欢的, some trees一些树, no trees 没有树;garage /ˈgærɑ:ʒ/ n 车库; 2.关于地点的词汇:ATM自动取款机, bank n 银行,bus stop车站,café/ coffee shop咖啡店, gym健身房, (movie) theater电影院, park公园, post office邮局, restaurant饭店, school学校, store商店, supermarket超市, clothing store服装店, bookstore书店, department store百货商店; at home在家, at the ATM在自动取款机处, at the movie theater在电影院; Uniqlo优衣库, subway station 地铁站,gas station 加油站;drugstore 药店; library 图书馆; 3.补充地点: toilet / restroom 洗手间; shopping mall 商场;information counter 服务台;police station 警察局; hospital 医院;airport 机场;railway station 火车站; ticket office 售票处; museum 博物馆; 4.关于方位的词汇:go straight:直走, turn left:左转, turn right:右转, on Jay Street:在Jay大街上, The ATM is on the left自动取款机在左边, on the right在右边. 5.其他词汇:vocabulary词汇, word bank 词汇银行;write the words 写单词; work with a partner 和你的拍档一起活动,listen to the phone calls 听电话; circle the answer 圈出答案;say your idea 说说你的观点;word list 词单; 【Sentences: 句子;】 (1)There be 的句子: 1)——How many bus stops on your street?有多少车站在你们街上? ——There is a bus stop on my street. 这里有一个车站在我们街上。 2)—How many stores are there? 这里有多少商店在这儿? —There are so many stores there.这里有好多商店在这儿。 3)——Are there any parks in your neighborhood? 这里有一些公园在你们街区吗? ——No,There are no parks in my neighborhood. 这里没有公园在我们街区。 4)——Are there any cafes in your community?这里有一些咖啡厅在你们社区吗? ——Yes, there are three cafes in my community. 这里有三家咖啡厅在我们社区。 (2) 询问地点的句子: ——Excuse me? 不好意思?——Yes?什么? —Is there a bus stop around here?这有个车站在附近吗? —Yes,there is one.是,这有一个。 【Dialogues: 对话】 关于询问地点的对话; Woman:Excuse me? 不好意思? Man:Yes? 什么事? Woman: Is there an ATM around there? 这里有自动取款机在附近吗? Man: Yeah, Go straight and turn right on Jay Street. 是的,在Jay大街上往前走然后往右转 The ATM is on the left.自动取款机就在左边。 Woman: Great, thanks. 太好了,感谢你! 4.【Grammar】: &1. 补充询问地点的句子; 1. How can I get to Nine Square?…我该怎么去九方?2. Where is the nearest subway station?最近的地铁站在哪里?3. What’s the best way to Longhua?(去龙华怎么走最好?)4. Is this the right way for Meten这是去美联的正确方向吗?5. Is there a milk tea store near here?(这里附近有奶茶店吗?)6. Do you know how I can find the toy shop?(你知道我该怎么找到这家玩具店?)7. Which direction is Coco City?(Coco City在哪个方向?) 2.具体的几个功能句子: a. 如急着上洗手间,可以问:Is there a toilet near here?(这附近有洗手间吗) b.如丢了东西要找警察,可以问:Where’s the nearest police station? (最近的警察局在哪?) 如你赶时间去机场,可以问:What’s the best way to the airport? (去机场最好怎么走?) &2. There be 句型的用法: 表示某个地方存在某物或某人,Be动词的单复数必须依主语的变化而变化,单数is 复数are ; 如:There is a table in the room. 房间里有一张桌子。 There are some birds on the tree. 树上有很多鸟。 There be 句型的结构: 1.(一)There is+单数可数+地点状语; 例:There is a ruler on the desk. 书桌上有一把尺。 (二)There are+复数主语+地点状语; 例:There are four apples on the tree. 树上有四个苹果。 There are some flowers in the park. 公园里有许多花。 (三)there is + 不可数名词 +地点状语 (即使有some 也是 单数); 例:There is some water in the bottle. 瓶子里有一些水。 (水是不可数名词) 2. There be选择就近原则: There be句型中be动词的单复数形式由最挨近的一项的单复数决定。 如:There is a pen, two books and many pencils on the desk. 在本句中尽管有钢笔、书和铅笔,但是由于离be动词最近的一项是单数a pen,因此,be动词用单数is。 二、There be 句型的疑问句及回答 (一)There be 句型的疑问 1. 在“There is/are...”的疑问句中,要把Be动词放在there之前,并将句号变问号。难点:句中出现的some要改成any。 2. 肯定回答为:Yes, there is/are. 3. 否定回答为: No, there isn’t/aren’t. 例句 :可数名词单数;1. 肯定句There is an apple on the tree. 疑问句 Is there an apple on the tree? 肯定回答: Yes, there is. 否定回答: No, there isn’t. 可数名词复数2. 肯定句There are five pens on the desk. 疑问句Are there five pens on the desk? 肯定回答: Yes, there are. 否定回答 No, there aren’t. 不可数名词的时候 3.肯定句 There is some water in the cup. (水是不可数名词) 否定句 Is there any water in the cup? 肯定回答: Yes, there is. 否定回答: No, there isn’t. 三、There be 句型的否定形式 (一)There be 句型的否定: 否定形式只要在be动词后面加not即可,is not =isn’t ,are not= aren’t, 但要注意的是句中如果出现some则改成any. 1.There is a knife in the kitchen. 这里有一把刀在厨房。 否定:There is not a knife in the kitchen. 2.There are five apples on the tree. 这里有五个苹果在树上。否定:There are not five apples on the tree. 3.There is some ink in the bottle.这里有些墨水在瓶子里。 否定:There is not any ink in the bottle. (ink是墨水,不可数名词) 4.There are some birds singing in the tree. 这里有一些鸟儿在树上唱歌。 否定:There are not any birds singing in the tree. &3. 再补充些动作短语: go forward直走; go backward回头:turn left左转:turn right右转; go upstairs上楼:go downstairs下楼:cross the street / road过马路;go across the road横穿马路;take the first turning on the left第一个路口左转;turn right at the second crossing第二个路口右转:turn right at the crossroads十字路口右转;go past 经过;Follow the road down沿着路走下去;keep walking / driving一直走; &4. 补充些常用的介词: near 附近;next to隔壁;beside靠着;around周围;between 两个地点之间; at the end of尽头;at the back of / behind在背面;in front of / before;在前面; above / over在上面;below / under在下面;opposite在对面; &5.翻译个句子: The cinema is next to the shopping mall, you need to take the second crossing on the left and keep walking for 500 meters. 电影院就在商场隔壁,你要在第二个路口左转然后步行500米。