

2019-02-28    03'16''

主播: 那些声音

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1.How do you stay warm in a cold room? You go to the corners. It’s always 90 degrees 2.What do you call security guards working outside Samsung shops? Guardians of the Galaxy 3.Which two letters in the alphabet are always jealous? NV 4.What&`&s the difference between a hippo and a zippo? One is really heavy, and the other is a little lighter. 5.Why did the bee marry?   He’s finally found his honey. 6.Why does it suck to be a penguin?   Because even when you get angry, you still look cute. 7.Daddy, why is the sky so high? So the birds wouldn’t hit their heads all the time, darling.    8.When can you be sure a snail is lying to you?   When he says he’s not home. 9.A mother asks her son: "Anton, do you think I’m a bad mom?" - Son: "My name is Paul." 10."I wasn&`&t that drunk yesterday." "Oh boy you took the shower head in your arms and told it to stop crying." 11. Little Ernie asks his auntie, “Why do you have such a big tummy, aunt Lisa?” “Because there’s a baby inside.” “Do you like babies?” “Very much!” “Well I still think it isn’t right to eat them.“ 12. 螃蟹出门散步不小心撞到了泥鳅,泥鳅很生气:“你是不是瞎啊?” 螃蟹很委屈:“不是啊,我是螃蟹!”  13. 双十一这一天我女朋友很听话,吃完饭很早就睡了,就是到现在还没醒,叫了也没反应。我担心是不是安眠药放太多了。 14. 麋鹿长颈鹿是好朋友。有一天麋鹿在森林里迷路了打电话给长颈鹿:“喂,我迷路啦”。长颈鹿:“嘻嘻,我长颈鹿啦“