Day 363 【别换台】

Day 363 【别换台】

2024-02-21    04'30''

主播: Maria冷清秋

239 2

Stay Tuned别换台 “Stay tuned for scenes from our next episode.”这是在提醒你不要换台,请 看下集预告。 -It's time for the advertisements. How about we change the channel?现在是广告,我们换个台怎么样? --Please stay tuned. The tennis match will start soon.请别换台,网球比赛马上就开始了。 out of tune 不协调;唱歌跑调 例:His idea is a little bit out of tune with reality.他的想法有 点不太现实。 tune out 不理昧,不注意 例:I heard her voice, but tuned out the words.我听到了她的声音,但没注意她说了什么。 change one's tune改变主意 例:I hope you will change your tune and keep working here.我希望你能改变主意,继续在这里工作。 dance to another tune改变原来的计划或看法 例:John is stubborm. It's not easy to make him dance to another tune.约翰非常固执,很难让他改变看法。