他们订婚啦! They are engaged!

他们订婚啦! They are engaged!

2015-02-04    18'39''

主播: Kiki 陆

619 75

bride and groom 新娘新郎 bouquet 捧花 They are engaged !!! 他们订婚了! I am getting engaged. 我订婚了! Brides’ maid / maid of honor 伴娘 wedding dress 婚纱 Your wedding day has been booked on the same date, either of you need to change to another venue. 你们的婚期被订在了同一天,其中一个人要换结婚场地。 flexible 灵活的 They haven’t spoken for a week, that a century in girl’s years . 她们都一周没说话了,对于女孩子来说是一个世纪了。 Your wedding should be watch it, If I were your wedding I will sleep with one eye open. 你婚礼要小心! 如果我是你我会睁着一只眼睡觉。 Your wedding will be huge, just like your ass at the prom.