202-8-10 建筑师杂志倡导翻新旧建筑

202-8-10 建筑师杂志倡导翻新旧建筑

2020-08-12    00'27''

主播: deathmore

106 0

Lebanon, a nation for decades crippled by chaos and conflict, is in mourning after a massive explosion ripped through Beirut's port on Tuesday killing more than 70 people and injuring 4,000. The full scale of the calamity was laid bare when the capital woke on Wednesday with rescue teams searching through the debris of ruined neighbourhoods for the missing, and hospitals struggling to cope with the influx of casualties. ▍语言点  cripple /'krɪp(ə)l/ vt. 使……瘫痪 · Industry is being crippled by high interest rates. 高利率使工业陷入瘫痪。 in mourning: 哀悼,吊丧 rip through:(狂风、爆炸等)快速猛烈地席卷、穿透 calamity /kəˈlæməti/ n. 灾难,不幸事件(disaster) lay bare: 公开(reveal) debris /dəˈbriː/ 碎片,残骸 influx of: 大量涌入