2020-8-13 花木兰在迪士尼流媒体平台放映

2020-8-13 花木兰在迪士尼流媒体平台放映

2020-08-22    00'25''

主播: deathmore

149 0

Disney's decision to release its Mulan remake on its streaming platform has been strongly criticised by the body representing British cinemas. The live-action reboot had been due in cinemas, but the company has now said it will be put on Disney+ in the US. The UK Cinema Association said it understands the same will happen in the UK, which is "hugely disappointing". ▍语言点  remake /'riːmeɪk/ n. 翻拍的电影  /riː'meɪk/ v. 重拍,翻拍 streaming platform: 流媒体平台 body /ˈbɑːdi/ n. 群体,团体,机构 · a governing body: 管理机构 · an advisory body: 顾问团 live-action adj. 真人的 · a live-action film: 实景真人电影 · an animated film: 动画制作电影 reboot /ri'bu:t/ n. 重启 · reboot your computer: 重启你的电脑 · reboot the system: 重启系统 due /dʒuː, duː/ adj. 预期的 · The baby is due in January. 宝宝预计一月出生。 · What time is the next bus due? 下一辆公交车什么时候来? The UK Cinema Association: 英国电影协会