2021-1-14 国际消费类电子产品展览会转战线上

2021-1-14 国际消费类电子产品展览会转战线上

2021-01-14    00'35''

主播: deathmore

222 1

Under normal circumstances this would have been one of the busiest weeks in the tech calendar. But the coronavirus pandemic meant the giant CES tech expo could not be held in Las Vegas, and it has instead slipped later than normal to an online-only event, beginning on Monday. There will still be lots of new gadgets. New kinds of TVs, vacuum cleaners which throw away their own waste, and computer monitors specifically designed for Microsoft Teams work chats, are among products to have been teased in advance. 这些产品还没问世就已经撩人心炫了 ▍语言点 1. under normal circumstances 正常情况下 · circumstance /ˈsɜːrkəmstæns/ n. 情形,情况(the conditions that affect a situation, action, event etc.) · under…circumstances 在……情况下 · under certain circumstances 在特定情形下 · Under normal circumstances, a child’s language will develop naturally. 正常情况下,一个孩子的语言能力会自然而然地发展。 2. calendar /ˈkæləndər/ n. 特殊活动的日程表(all the events in a year that are important for a particular organization or activity);日历 sporting calendar 体育赛事日程表 3. mean /miːn/ v. 产生某种结果(have a particular result);意味着 · Lower costs mean lower prices. 成本低,也就意味着价格便宜。 4. slip (to) 陷入,进入(困难或不愉快的处境)(gradually start being in a particular condition) · The project has slipped behind schedule. 这个项目已经落后于原计划了。 5. tease /tiːz/ v. 调侃(laugh at sb.);本节可理解为“成为话题中心”