

2017-08-16    10'00''

主播: 英语英音Vera

786 44

British Council官方认证雅思培训师 付费备考公共账号【英音口语流利说】 免费学习订阅号【雅思托福口语】 主讲人:董同学,是一个教会了一群老外打锄大地的英国杜伦大学金融系毕业生。 British Table Manners (Formal) 英国用餐礼仪(正式场合): • Serviettes (Napkins) 餐巾 Don’t: tuck your napkin into the collar of your shirt, wipe off cutlery with your napkin 不要把餐巾当围嘴或擦拭餐具 Do: fold it in half and place it on your lap with the fold towards you 对折放在大腿上,折痕朝自己 • Starters 前菜 Don’t: break bread with your knife, butter the whole bread, drink soup directly from the soup bowl 不要用刀切面包或在一整个面包上涂黄油,不要直接从碗里喝汤 Do: break bread with your fingers, butter small pieces of bread, eat soup with your spoon 用手掰面包之后在抹黄油,用勺子喝汤 • Cutlery 刀叉 Don’t: shift cutlery between hands, leave spoons in the cup or bowl, scrape the plate or make any other loud noises with your cutlery 不要两手刀叉互换,吃完时不要把餐具放在碗里或杯子里 Do: start with the cutlery on the outside and go inward with each subsequent course, leave the utensils on the side of the plate or side by side in the middle of the plate when you are finished 刀叉从外向内按每一道菜的顺序用,吃完把刀叉放在盘子边上或者平行放在盘子里 • Eating manners 用餐礼仪 Don’t: chew with your mouth open, talk with food in your mouth, blow on hot food or drink, use your fingers, put elbows on the table, slurp or burp 不要边说边吃,不要吹食物,不要用手,不要把手肘放在桌子上,不要吸或打嗝