雅思口语Part1 你回答的正确吗?

雅思口语Part1 你回答的正确吗?

2017-12-06    03'03''

主播: 英语英音Vera

795 29

IELTS Speaking Part1 你回答的正确吗? Do you like vegetables? 1.Yes, I do. I consider vegetables an important part of any healthy diet due to amount of vitamins and minerals that some vegetables can supply. Without vegetables in a person’s diet, health problems might occur later in life. 2.Yes, I do. I am particularly partial to leafy greens, such as spinach, although I do eat pretty much any kind of veg. In fact, on the whole, most of my main meals contain at least 5 different types of veg. Number 2 is appropriate and number 1 is not. IELTS speaking part 1 is mostly about you and your life. It asks about YOU, you must answer about YOU – not about people in general. Part 1-和朋友聊天talking to a friend 答案- straight forward and give a natural answer. -直接/自然回答 should NOT change the question into an academic discussion about the importance of vitamins and minerals.不要转成学术讨论-讨论维生素和矿物质的 Yes, i definitely do. I’m really keen on organic crops such as potatoes, green leafy veggies, i basically grew up eating these type of food, because my mom likes to cook vegetarian dishes.