

2014-11-21    04'14''

主播: 许乃夫老师

804 71

Hello, everyone. Welcome to my movie salon today. 大家好,欢迎光临今天的乃夫电影口语秀, and in today’s program, I would like to recommend you a great movie ever, this Hunger Games trilogy. Actually, the series of the movie is like breath-taking journey when you enjoy the movie in the theater. And the story is all about kind of like revolution or rebellion of government. The actress Jennifer Laurence did a very god job in these movies representing a girl of revolution leading the war against the Capitol. Undoubtedly, Mockingjay is the last movie of the trilogy, which means it will put an end to the trilogy. Admittedly, mocking jay is kind of like a metaphor of the girl shown in the movie, but indeed it is a bird’s name. I bought an original book online and browsed the book last year, and next year it will turn out to be a movie. That sounds very exciting to me because you will see another version of the book. Okay, let me briefly introduce you the movie in English. Burdened with feelings of betrayal by rebel organizers, grief for the loss of her district, and worry for Peeta who’s been taken prisoner by the Capitol, Katniss is emotionally and physically worn out. What price are the rebel districts willing to pay to win the war against the Capitol? Mockingjay, the third installment of the incredibly popular Hunger Games trilogy , is the ultimate battle between the Capitol and the districts culminating in epic warfare and destruction. Mockingjay, Hunger Games will be on theater soon next year, and let’s just take a quick look at the ultimate version of the movie trailer. Transcript of Movie trailer电影预告片文稿 No one else can do this but her. She won’t be able to handle it. The Game’s destroyed her. Let her see what the capital did to District 12. They are coming Kat. They are gonna kill every one. You’ll be dead by morning. Miss Everdeen, prepare to pay the ultimate price. I have a message for President Snow. If we burn, you burn with us. 凯特尼斯·伊夫狄恩,燃烧的女孩,虽然她的家被毁了,可她却活了下来。盖尔也逃了出来,凯特尼斯的家人也安全了,皮塔被凯匹特抓走了。十三区并不真的存在,出现了反抗,出现了新的领导者,一个革命的序幕正在缓缓拉开。 凯特尼斯从噩梦般的竞技场逃出来是已经设计好的,她是反抗运动的参与者,也是设计好的,而她对此并不知情。十三区从隐蔽处出来了,并计划推翻凯匹特的统治。似乎每个人都参与了这项精心策划的行动,而只有凯特尼斯并不知情。 反抗运动将凯特尼斯卷入了漩涡,她被迫成为棋子,她被迫为许多人的使命负责,不得不肩负起改变帕纳姆国的未来的负责。为了做到这一切,她必须抛却愤怒和不信任,她必须要成为反抗者的嘲笑鸟――不管要付出多大的代价。