Chapter 13 Achieving Balance

Chapter 13 Achieving Balance

2017-04-10    02'29''

主播: 许乃夫老师

2387 48

Chapter 13 Achieving Balance Listen to the instructions that Dale Carnegie has given to you and jot down the notes about each step. You will also listen to Karen and Chris’s reading today to get the main idea of how to start balancing your life and fulfill the task after the reading. Karen & Chris How can you start balancing your life? The first step is to change your attitude. You've got to stop thinking time for your family, for exercise, or for leisure as wasted time. Achievers often feel they need to apologize for leisure time. Try to rid yourself of that thought. Relaxation is not a dirty word. This leads to the second step in the process: you have to make time for leisure activity. Most of us are overcommitted. Perhaps it's time to reevaluate priorities. Make a decision to devote as much energy to planning your leisure time as you devote to planning your workday. The third step is to act. Do something. Get involved in activities that are not work-related. They will leave you happier, healthier, more focused, and as a result, a better leader. ​ You’re required to write a composition about this topic within 300 words in English and mail to me via