43、早安@职场英语 | 转接电话:请稍等,马上为您转接售后

43、早安@职场英语 | 转接电话:请稍等,马上为您转接售后

2018-09-10    03'51''

主播: Keeper哥の职场Box

177 0

Michael接到了一位客户的投诉电话, 客户很生气,那么, Michael是怎么回答的呢? Sir, don’t worry. We will try our best to solve your problem. 先生,请不要担心。我们会尽力解决您的问题的。 If grave problems indeed exist in the products, we will refund your money at once. 如果产品确实存在严重问题,我们会马上给您退款。 We are a company with a high reputation in this trade, so you can trust us absolutely! 我们在行业中信誉良好,所以您完全可以相信我们! 客户: Really? Then how do you solve my problem? I hope you can reply to me quickly! 真的吗?那么你们将怎么解决我的问题?我希望你们尽快答复我! Michael回答: OK, no problem. And may I pass you to our colleague responsible for after-sale services? He is the person in charge. 好的,没问题。我把您的电话转到负责售后服务的同事那里好吗?他是这方面的负责人。 现在,客户平静了下来: OK, thanks. Michael: Please hold on. Oh, I am so sorry that he is on the phone at the moment. And would you like to call back later? I can give you his extension number. 请稍等。噢,很抱歉他正在接听电话。您能等会儿再打过来吗?我可以把他的分机号给您。 客户: Okay. I’ll call back later. Bye! 好的,我等会儿再打过来。再见! 这些单词和短语你要会: grave:严重的,grave problem,很严重的问题; reputation:信誉,high reputation,良好的信誉; trust:相信; absolutely:完全地; reply:回复,reply to me,回复我; after-sale:售后; extension:电话分机,extension number,分机号码; 好了,你get到了吗? 从下期开始,我们将每期发布一个完整情景,你准备好了吗? 早安,职场英语,加入职场Box互助群,咱们一起学习吧!