中考英语满分作文 2019.浙江温州

中考英语满分作文 2019.浙江温州

2020-03-18    04'53''

主播: Lizhaokang

57 0

原文: A New Use of the Moblie Phone Preparing for meals is tiring.You may have to spend hours getting everything ready for cooking.Now in China,new mobile apps are here to help. These apps provide you with meat,fish,and vegetables,almost everything you need for a meal.You can order whenever you like and decide on the time for them to arrive.If you like,they can be washed,cut and packed for a certain dish.Some apps even guide you to cook step by step,making cooking easier. Compared with the traditional way of going to the market,mobile apps save your time and energy.With such a new use of the mobile phone,you can enjoy a more relaxing life.