

2014-10-16    07'18''

主播: A Box Of Cats

319 65

Coriolanus被护民官激怒,说出了心里话,使局面突变,不但很难当选执政官,而且将自己推向了叛徒和公敌的绝境。回到家里,和妻子诉说心里的犹疑,他不明白为什么妈妈会要求他向那些平民说好话。妈妈和米尼涅斯前来说服他(作为唯Tom向,po主只整理了将军的台词。。。)。大概的意思,妈妈说我比你还恨那些平民,但是你要先当上执政官!!!向平民说好话不会有损他的尊严,只要用舌头说话,不要用心说话,这是谋略,是为了亲人和贵族好友们的期待,非常高贵等等等等。你在战场上都知道用谋略呢,这是一样的。小宝贝你瞧瞧,你作为一个战士得到过我的表扬,可是在政治这块还从来没有得到过我的赞扬呢,,,come on baby!(误。。。),你要手上拿着桂冠,跪在地上,表示姿态,就说你是个军人,不会表达感情,action is power,那些平民觉得眼见为实,耳听为虚。等等等等。小宝贝将军答应去,但是脑补了一下又崩溃撒泼了(脑补的这段太动人了,大概从5分钟多点开始。)然后妈妈怒了,吼了一通(有整理文本,见下),小宝贝将军立刻软了(咦?),好好好我这就去,别骂我了。。。。。。然后就出发到市场作死去了。。。 I muse my mother does not approve me further, who was wont to call them woollen vassals. Things created to buy and sell with groats, to show bare haeds in congregations. To yawn, be still and wonder, when one but of my ordinance stood up to speak of peace or war. I talk of you. Why did you wish me milder? Would you have me false to my nature? Rather say I play the man I am. Let go. Let them hang! What must I do? Well, what then, what then? (Repent what you have spoke.) For them? I cannot do it to the gods, must I then do it to them? Tush, tush! Why force you this? Must I with base tongue give unto my noble heart a lie that it must bear? Well, I'll do it. Yet, were there but this single plot to lose, this mould of Martius they to dust should grind it and throw it against the wind. To the market-place. You have put me now to such a part which never I shall enact to the life. Well, I will do it. Away, my disposition, and possess me some harlot's spirit. My throut of war be turned, which choired with my drum into a pipe small as an eunuch's or the virgin's voice that babies lulls asleep. The smiles of knaves tent in my cheeks, and schoolboys' tears take up the glasses of my sight. I will not do it, lest I surcease to honour mine own truth! And by my body's action teach my mind a most inherent baseness. (At thy choice, then. It is my more dishonour to beg of thee, than thou of them! Come all to ruin. Let thy mother rather feel thy pride than fear thy dangerous stubborness, for I mock at death with as big heart as thou. Do as thou list. Thy valiantness was mine, thou suck'dst it from me, but owe thy pride thyself.) Pray, be content, mother, I am going to the market-place. Chide me no more. I'll mounterbank their loves, cog their hearts from them, and come home beloved of all the trades in Rome. Look, I am going. Commend me to my wife.I'll return consul, or never trust to what my tongue can do in the way of flattery further. (Do you will?) The word is 'mildly'. Pray you, let us go. Let them accuse me by invention, I will answer in mine honour. (Ay, but mildly.) Well, mildly be it then, mildly~