【Not Tom】Alan Rickman电影《未了阴阳情》剪辑

【Not Tom】Alan Rickman电影《未了阴阳情》剪辑

2015-04-13    18'09''

主播: A Box Of Cats

10109 204

Truly Madly Deeply (1990) 导演: Anthony Minghella 演员: Alan Rickman Juliet Stevenson 英伦最美男声和最美女声组合~ 4月15日bafta guru 一个最新访谈中: @BAFTAGuru: Rickman describes his trusting relationship with Juliet Stevenson as 'gold dust' while reminiscing about Truly Madly Deeply #AlanRickmanQA 豆瓣条目介绍:  尼娜的丈夫杰米突然去世后,尼娜的生活从此变得一团糟。失去了爱情,失去了丈夫,尼娜沉浸在对往日的无尽回忆里。美丽的尼娜身边不乏对她有意思的男人,但是她似乎失去了爱的能力。某天,鬼魂丈夫突然回到了尼娜身边,往日的美好生活似乎又重现了。他们又生活在一起。然而,人鬼有别。与此同时,尼娜在现实生活中遇到了马克,一个充满爱心,充满活力的业余魔术师。一个是曾经恩爱的前夫鬼魂,一个是活生生的真实男人,徘徊在过去和未来这两段情缘之间,尼娜必须作出选择。 当然我剪辑的全部是鬼和妮娜的部分。。。鬼魂第一次回来的惊喜,讲一个Alice小鬼的故事,各种傲娇,I love you的文字游戏,一起看云,一起唱歌,早晨甜蜜的叫醒服务,继续各种傲娇,最后的回忆与永别,鬼鬼念一只西班牙语的诗,妮娜一句句翻成英文。。。 最后那首小诗的完整文本: The Dead Woman Pablo Neruda   If suddenly you do not exist,   if suddenly you no longer live,   I shall live on.      I do not dare,   I do not dare to write it,   if you die.      I shall live on.      For where a man has no voice,   there, my voice.      Where blacks are beaten,   I cannot be dead.   When my brothers go to prison   I shall go with them.      When victory,   not my victory,   but the great victory comes,   even though I am mute I must speak;   I shall see it come even   though I am blind.      No, forgive me.   If you no longer live,   if you, beloved, my love,   if you have died,   all the leaves will fall in my breast,   it will rain on my soul night and day,   the snow will burn my heart,   I shall walk with frost and fire and death and snow,   my feet will want to walk to where you are sleeping, but   I shall stay alive,   because above all things   you wanted me indomitable,   and, my love, because you know that I am not only a man   but all mankind.